All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 78.2
Mean Score:
- Watching2
- Completed205
- On-Hold54
- Dropped20
- Plan to Watch259
- Total Entries540
- Rewatched56
- Episodes4,597
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 41.1
Mean Score:
- Total Entries130
- Reread7
- Chapters3,554
- Volumes680
All Comments (10) Comments
Same here I watched InuYasha summer in high school. I was new to anime so I was just watching random shows that I remember seeing when I was kid. Back then I thought anime was for kids & InuYasha wasn't a good show for new comers. I know a lot of people who got hooked on anime after watching Attack on Titan xD
This year I was actually flipping through episodes of InuYasha trying to figure out what episode I left off. It did add a lot to my watching time lol My guess was that I left off at around 50 eps. Once I heard the opening I knew right away thats where I was at. It stills blows my mind I actually watched 126 eps >_<
Did you watch Spice & Wolf in sub or dub btw?
I watched it in dub but I did hear Holo's Japanese VA when I watched the specials
Aww you didn't get to hear the best OP in InuYasha Opening 4 - Grip!
It's so catchy
We want Season 3 >_< lol
Roy Mustang is one of your favorite characters nice.... I actually learned how to snap my fingers because of him lmao 😂👌🔥🔥🔥
hak x yona forever yeshhh!! >.< yaaa i agree with you there... i also like how there different as well when it comes to there way of joining yona >;3 ...Sinha back story was definitely emotional... and tragic T^T this series soo much!! ya the green dragon arc is getting interesting!!
i like all our main characters soo far..!! don't know which ones my favorite yet!! I also love the comedy in the series.. its really cute >~< haha!! I'm rooting for that Hak x Yona ship xD haha.. they're soo adorable together xDD soo whos your favorite characters in the series soo far?? ;o