I have been a huge fan of anime for much of my life. I have seen many good anime, many bad anime, and many in between. I also enjoy reading a lot, thus the username.
Latest review: Cyber Team in Akihabara
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I attempt to write fanfiction.
Welcome to MAL. Where you feel the indignity of total strangers insulting yo animu taste
Extended favorite anime in no particular order (excluding movies):
11. Psycho Pass 12. Hellsing Ultimate 13. Angel Beats 14. Ergo Proxy 15. Yu Yu Hakusho 16. Chobits 17. Cromartie High School 18. Detroit Metal City 19. Tatami Galaxy 20. Outlaw Star 21. Gundam Wing 22. Berserk (1997) 23. FLCL 24. Detective Conan 25. Dragonball 26. Mushishi 27. Serial Experiments Lain 28. Monthly Girls' Nozaki-kun 29. Neon Genesis Evangelion 30. Sailor Moon 31. Hajime no Ippo 32. Inferno Cop 33. Eve no Jikan 34. Legend of the Galactic Heroes 35. Azumanga Daioh 36. Gosick 37. Dirty Pair 38. G Gundam 39. Shouwa Rakugo 40. Penguindrum 41. Lupin the 3rd (Part 2) 42. Mysterious Girlfriend X 43. Golden Boy 44. Kobayashi's Dragon Maid 45. Gundam: War in the Pocket 46. Shin Cutey Honey 47. Hinamatsuri 48. Space Brothers 49. Made In Abyss 50. Usagi Drop 51. Paranoia Agent 52. Mononoke 53. The Great Passage 54. Stand Alone Complex 55. The 08th MS Team 56. Kino's Journey (2003) 57. Haibane Renmei 58. Ping Pong 59. Fate/Zero 60. Parasyte 61. Texhnolyze 62. Aria 63. Steins Gate 64. Zombieland Saga 65. Hinomaru Sumo 66. Yamato 2199 67. His and Her Circumstances 68. Barakamon 69. Nodame Cantabile 70. Vinland Saga 71. Ashita no Joe 72. Beast Player Erin 73. March Comes in Like a Lion 74. Cool-Headed Hoozuki 75. One Outs 76. Gundam: The Origin 77. Revolutionary Girl Utena 78. Rose of Versailles 79. Kaleido Star 80. Initial D 81. Princess Tutu 82. Moriarty the Patriot 83. Big O 84. Mob Psycho 85. Interspecies Reviewers 86. Sonny Boy 87. Ya Boy Kongming 88. Ef: A Tale of Memories 89. Cowboy Bebop 90. K-on 91. Odd Taxi 92. Akiba Maid War 93. Fist of the North Star 94. Pluto 95. Samurai Champloo 96. Slayers 97. Kuuchuu Buranko 98. Hyouka 99. Frieren 100. Kaiji 101. Gurren Lagann 102. The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya 103. Madoka Magica 104. School Rumble
Favorite anime movies in no particular order:
1. Princess Mononoke 2. Spirited Away 3. Paprika 4. Perfect Blue 5. Samurai X: Trust and Betrayal 6. Cowboy Bebop: Knocking on Heaven's Door 7. Ghost in the Shell 8. Akira 9. Advent Children 10. Castle of Cagliostro 11. Jin-Roh: The Wolf Brigade 12. Castle in the Sky 13. Porco Rosso 14. Kiki's Delivery Service 15. Royal Space Force 16. Macross Plus 17. Angel's Egg 18. Redline 19. Millennium Actress 20. Garden of Words 21. Barefoot Gen 22. In This Corner of the World 23. Patema Inverted 24. My Neighbor Totoro 25. Mind Game 26. Memories 27. Ninja Scroll 28. Vampire Hunter D (1985) 29. Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust. 30. Summer Wars 31. Patlabor movie 1 32. Patlabor 2 33. Battle of Gods 34. The Night is Short, Walk on Girl 35. Whisper of the Heart 36. RE Cutey Honey 37. Giovanni's Island 38. Liz and the Blue Bird 39. Lupin: The First 40. End of Evangelion 41. Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind 42. Blue Giant
Favorite anime shorts and short series in no order: 1. Grandfather's Lamp 2. House of Small Cubes 3. Hotarubi no Mori e 4. The Country Doctor 5. Death Billiards 6. Miss Bernard Said 7. Kataku 8. Area 88 9. Le Portrait de Petit Cossette 10. The Sensualist 11. 1001 Nights 12. Gunbuster 13. Cyber City Oedo 14. Kekkou Kamen 15. Gunsmith Cats 16. Malice Doll 17. Mezzo Forte 18. Take the X Train 19. Yoru no Kuni (The Night World) 20. Black Magic M-66
Ironic enjoyment hall of fame: 1. Mad Bull 34 2. Plastic Little 3. Chargeman Ken 4. Legend of Lemnear 5. Garzey's Wing 6. Twinkle Nora Rock Me 7. MD Geist 8. Angel Cop 9. Dark Cat 10. Baki 94 11. Violence Jack Goes to Evil Town 12. Gauss 13. Butt Attack Punisher Girl 14. Sukeban Deka 15. Ninja Batman 16. Gantz (English Dub) 17. Ghost Stories (English dub) 18. Devilman 1987 (English dub) 19. Redo of Healer 20. Ghost Talker's Daydream 21. Judge 22. Shootfighter Tekken 23. Ogenki Clinic 24. Black Lion 25. Kenya Boy 26. Kennel Tokorozawa 27. Wounded Man 28. Ninja Resurrection 29. Sextra Credit (dub) 30. A Time to Screw (dub) 31. Baoh 32. Cipher 33. Heavy 34. Iron Virgin Jun 35. Girls Bravo (dub) 36. Yuuna and the Haunted Hot Springs 37. Apocalypse Zero 38. Tattoon Master (dub) 39. Ear of the Golden Dragon 40. Good Luck Girl (dub)
Extended favorite manga in no particular order:
11. Shigurui 12. Blaster Knuckle 13. Love Hina 14. Spice and Wolf
Cheesy section of favorite anime couples:
1. Kouta x Lucy from Elfen Lied
2. Lawrence x Holo from Spice and Wolf
3. Isaac x Miria from Baccano
4. Kujo x Victorique from Gosick
5. Miyazawa x Arima from His and Her Circumstances
6. Hideki x Chii from Chobits
7. Mitsuya x Kaguya from The Great Passage
8. Guts x Casca from Berserk
9. Krillin x 18 from DBZ (my first ship)
10. Tsubaki x Urabe from Mysterious Girlfriend X
11. Oscar x Andre from Rose of Versailles
12. Noda x Chiaki from Nodame Cantabile
13. Utena x Anthy from Revolutionary Girl Utena
My rating system
10 - one of my all-time favorites. I absolutely adored it!
9 - Almost perfect, maybe a minor flaw.
8 - Easily one of my top 150 anime of all time
7- Top quartile of all anime. I really liked it.
6- better than average.
5. Totally average
4. Below average. Could also be something so bad it's good, or crap with a large budget.
3. Horrible anime, but maybe it has a few cheap laughs or a decent budget
2. I absolutely hated this anime, avoid like the plague
1. I HATED HATED HATED this anime. One of the worst of all time!
Some of my favorite literary works by author and language of origin:
Russian language literature:
Dostoevsky- The Brothers Karamazov, Crime and Punishment, The Idiot, Demons, The Gambler, The House of the Dead, Notes from the Underground, Dream of a Ridiculous Man, Humiliated and Insulted
Tolstoy- War and Peace, Anna Karenina, The Death of Ivan Ilyich, Hadji Murad
Bulgakov- The Master and Margarita, Heart of a Dog
Goncharov - Oblomov
Bryusov- The Fiery Angel
Strugatsky- Roadside Picnic, Snail on the Slope
Saltykov Shchedrin- The Golovlyov Family
Sorokin- Day of the Oprichnik
Sholokhov - Quiet Flows the Don
Gogol - Dead Souls, The Overcoat, The Nose, Diary of a Madman
Lermontov- A Hero of Our Time
Turgenev - Fathers and Sons, Rudin
Pushkin- Eugene Onegin, The Bronze Horseman, The Shot, The Queen of Spades
Chekhov - The Lady with the Dog, The Seagull, Uncle Vanya
Ilf/Petrov - The 12 Chairs
Zamyatin - We
Solzhenitsyn - One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich
Shukshin - Cutting Them Down to Size
Spanish language literature
Cervantes - Don Quixote
Marquez- 100 years of Solitude
Portuguese language literature
Machado- The Posthumous Memoirs of Brás Cubas
Hungarian language literature
Krasznahorkai- Chasing Homer
Polish language literature
Gombrowicz- Ferdydurke
English language literature
Dickens - Great Expectations, David Copperfield
Joyce - The Dead, A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, Ulysses
Woolf- To the Lighthouse
Hardy- The Return of the Native
Sterne- The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman
Nabokov - Pale Fire, Lolita
McCarthy- Blood Meridian
Melville - Bartleby the Scrivener, Moby Dick
Ducornet- Phosphor in Dreamland
Chesterton- The Man who was Thursday
Tolkien- The Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit, The Silmarillion
Lovecraft- The Outsider, The Colour out of Space, The Dunwich Horror
Le Fanu- Carmilla
Steinbeck - East of Eden
Wright- Native Son
Ishiguro- The Buried Giant, The Remains of the Day
C. Brontë- Jane Eyre
E. Brontë- Wuthering Heights
Paton - Cry the Beloved Country
Rushdie - Midnight's Children, Shame, the Enchantress of Florence
Achebe - Things Fall Apart
Shelley - Frankenstein
Orwell- Animal Farm, 1984
Stoker - Dracula
Morrison - Beloved
Shakespeare - Othello, Macbeth, Hamlet, Romeo and Juliet, The Tempest
Emezi- The Death of Vivek Oji
Swift - Gulliver's Travels, A Modest Proposal
Carroll - Adventures in Wonderland
French Language
Hugo - Les Misérables, The Hunchback of Notre Dame
Camus - The Guest, The Stranger
Leroux - Phantom of the Opera
Dumas - The Count of Monte Cristo, 3 Musketeers
Maupassant - Ball of Fat, Useless Beauty, The Necklace, The Horla
Voltaire - Candide
Italian language:
Calvino- The Distance of the Moon, If on a Winter's Night a Traveler
Dante- The Divine Comedy
German language:
Schiller- The Robbers
Hoffmann- The Sandman
von Kleist- Michael Kohlhaas, An Earthquake in Chile, The Marquise of O
Frankl- Man's Search for Meaning
Hesse- Siddhartha, Demian
Goethe - Faust parts 1 and 2
Kafka- The Trial, The Metamorphosis, The Judgment, In the Penal Colony, The Hunger Artist
Zweig- The Royal Game
Niezsche - Also Sprach Zarathustra
Grass - The Tin Drum
Ende- The Neverending Story
Japanese language:
Soseki- Kokoro, I am a Cat
Akutagawa- Dragon: An Old Potter's Tale, In a Grove, Hell Screen, Green Onions, Horse Legs, O-Gin
Kawabata- Master of Go, Snow Country
Oe- The Silent Cry
Dazai- No Longer Human, Otogizoshi, Schoolgirl
Tanizaki- In Praise of Shadows, Some Prefer Nettles
Yoshino- How Do You Live?
Kakuzo- The Book of Tea
Ogawa- The Memory Police
Endo- Silence
Murakami - The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle
Shikibu - Tale of Genji
Yu Hua - To Live
Cao Xueqin - Dream of the Red Chamber
Sun Tzu - Art of War
Lu Xun - Diary of a Madman, The Real Story of Ah-Q
Unknown: 1001 Arabian Nights
Congratulations on scrolling all the way down this messy profile! Here is a magazine scan of famous magical girls from a 2005 magazine my girlfriend found.
Minky Momo, Creamy Mami, Magical Emi, and Edgy Lucy
All Comments (15708) Comments
Hola, literaturenerd. ¿Cómo estás? ¿Estás leyendo buenos libros ultimamente?
First Fidel's son and now this?
Guess who went to Tokyo last October? :3
I told this to a Liberal who worships our Canadian healthcare system and he accused my family of not being Canadian citizens because we are brown and couldn't get leg surgery. Because citizens all get free healthcare in his world.
So I accused him of being a bigot and a racist.
You cannot hate the hypocritical village mentality of the typical Canadian enough.
anyways whats your opinion on the upcoming 2026 midterms
Next, we should restore Greco-Buddhism to save Greece and Western Civilization as a whole.