I have never seen Dagashi Kashi...or Tatami Galaxy! Are they good? I am bouncing about between all sorts of anime right now. Indecisiveness, pfft!
Oh god, finals. Actually, tests altogether. I was the freak-out, pencil-snapping, why-is-the-clock-ticking-so-loud, the-world-is-cruuuuel kind of student when it came to taking the exams. I saw it as a miracle when I could walk out of the exam instead of lying horizontal on the floor in despair. ANYWAY, I am sure you'll do great :) what're you studying? If you don't mind my asking!
Haha, when summer comes around - anime galore will be waiting for you :D! The juggling shall end!
I was racking my brains earlier, because I knew we had spoken before and my atrocious memory was all like: 'Whaaaaaa?' But then I remembered your OreGairu review - case solved, mind implosion was averted! Haha.
By the way, since messaging you about that, I watched both seasons - your review still is beyond awesome. Hikki is glorious! A third season is needed. If there won't be one, I will not take it lightly *shakes fist*.
Hope things have been grand since we last spoke? Seen any other great anime?
It's such a shame that WA2's story is incomplete. The visual novel itself is a massive work that spans about 5 years' worth of story, and the introductory chapter (the part of the VN that was adapted) only covers about 10-15% of the story.
On that note, who do you like more? Kazusa or Setsuna? If you say anything other than Kazusa, I am disappoint.
All Comments (9) Comments
I have never seen Dagashi Kashi...or Tatami Galaxy! Are they good? I am bouncing about between all sorts of anime right now. Indecisiveness, pfft!
Oh god, finals. Actually, tests altogether. I was the freak-out, pencil-snapping, why-is-the-clock-ticking-so-loud, the-world-is-cruuuuel kind of student when it came to taking the exams. I saw it as a miracle when I could walk out of the exam instead of lying horizontal on the floor in despair. ANYWAY, I am sure you'll do great :) what're you studying? If you don't mind my asking!
Haha, when summer comes around - anime galore will be waiting for you :D! The juggling shall end!
I was racking my brains earlier, because I knew we had spoken before and my atrocious memory was all like: 'Whaaaaaa?' But then I remembered your OreGairu review - case solved, mind implosion was averted! Haha.
By the way, since messaging you about that, I watched both seasons - your review still is beyond awesome. Hikki is glorious! A third season is needed. If there won't be one, I will not take it lightly *shakes fist*.
Hope things have been grand since we last spoke? Seen any other great anime?
It looks like you have awesome taste in anime :P
I hope we can chat sometime :)
On that note, who do you like more? Kazusa or Setsuna? If you say anything other than Kazusa, I am disappoint.