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Danganronpa: Kibou no Gakuen to Zetsubou no Koukousei The Animation
Jun 14, 2017 3:06 PM
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Days: 32.4
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- Total Entries156
- Reread1
- Chapters5,797
- Volumes161
All Comments (16) Comments
It occurred somewhere in the comments of this club -
If you go to see all on the comments, you should be able to find it.
Edit: here -
scroll down a bit.
With that said, does innate ideas/thoughts exist then? Well, I do not have the vindication to you there is, nor do these supposed philosophers. Ill admit, a lot of what they say makes sense, but read to much into it there's a possibility that you may expel some of your own beliefs in the proccess.
The more you look into philosophy, the more it seems to venture into the threshold of divinity; the seperation of the shell/body and the mind/soul(anima et animus). I suppose my point is that only you can decide.
However, if I were to distill some of my thoughts, the whole correlation between humankind and the "extremes", where we are supposedly "disproportional"; well, don't we have it in ourselves the infinite capacity to be either "good" or "evil"? In a sense, arent these two moral antipodes, "extremes" in which we possess?
Now for us bridging the gaps? I think we may have to undego some sort of transcendence, whether it be philosophical, spiritual, intellectual; take your pick. Now's that's just my opinion. Honestly, that's why the subject of the afterlife, existence of God, us unlocking the secrets of the universe are so controversial. Most of which is abstract and requires some sort of tangible evidence, viz., a posteriori knowledge. That's what most people want these days. People can continue to talk with no straight answers, but it is ultimately up to you to decide.
Kind of sucks being ignorant though...
LoL! But nah, it will always be the best to me.
As for Le chevalier D'eon, one of the best i've seen. Well if you're up for some historical fiction mixed in with supernatural phenomena.
I kind of find it absurd that we try to use a scientific perspective on something as abstract as the afterlife and divinity. It's not as if these ideas are empirical, and they certainly do not fall under the clauses of "Falsifiability", id est, where we as humans can observe and experiment to prove it or disprove it. When you try to apply a human convention such as science, on something such as religion or the afterlife, you're only going to get so far. I do not think science can explain everything in absolute. Of course, some of which I said is reflective of my subjectvity, and everyone is entitled to their opinions.
As for Quantum Mechanics, I read a couple of books on it, which I understood to some extent, but it seems more counter-productive, than actually providing a explanation. They supposedly say that the microscopic world does not function in accordance with Newtonian Physics as with the macroscopic world; the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, where we can only know the position of an observed subatomic particle at a given time, but not its velocity or vice versa; however, you can never know both. Its all to convoluted, and I don't think I would take the time to understand it. Well, maybe not right now :P
Sorry for prating on like that. So....Whats up?
Thanks for taking the time to pick something for me.