Thank you!! I'll definitely try these but kurosaki-kun no iinari ni naten is good? It called a lot my attention but i kinda didnt like the art maybe I shouldn't judge it by the art and try it first
Heyy do u know about any shoujo/Joise/romance manga with a good heroine? IM TIIIREEED OF THE WEAK CRYBABY ONES. idk like its so hard to find likeable shoujo tbh most of them are about the chasing and the tears and the guy MC treating the girl like shit ugh PLS HELP ME I NEED SHOUJO
The events in fate/zero come before stay night time-wise. However stay night aired before fate/zero. IMO the order does not matter, either way you going to end up in the same result. Most people choose to watch fate/zero first because it is overall better in art/animation/sound/fight scenes. I watched fate/zero before stay night.
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No problem man!
Nice to meet you,
I hope we get along
You really like Tokyo Ghoul?
Did you read the Tokyo Ghoul manga too?
Nice to meet you :D
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