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Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka
Jan 19, 2016 4:25 AM
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We'll get some more hunts in sometime
and i forgot how to post an image so here's a link hehe xD
suzumiya is used soo much with songs man like the caramell dansen one xd
and that pengu one fits soo well xd
yeah there are so many damn seasons right now my whole watch list is filled with them xD
you should also watch "date a live" its ridiculously awesome haha
I loved spice and wolf 1 and 2 xD
and ive seen all of dog days and i probably know what mao samma is but idk what your talking about send me a link haha
yeah i got pissed at sao for not separating the first season, it could of been ridiculously better, oh well teres another season coming out haha
thanks a lot, i kind of hit a wall hahaha these anime's will keep me busy for a little bit xD
the one thing i hate is when they don't continue animes to the second or third season when they need to, its happened so much im starting to cry (T_T)
so what have you been watching lately? iv'e been stuck on only airing anime's and i really need a series thats complete, any recommendations?