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Sekai Saikou no Ansatsusha, Isekai Kizoku ni Tensei suru
Jun 25, 2022 8:45 AM
· Scored
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 155.6
Mean Score:
- Reading111
- Completed191
- On-Hold106
- Dropped5
- Plan to Read23
- Total Entries436
- Reread15
- Chapters25,141
- Volumes1,638
All Comments (52) Comments
I am doing okay thanks, just started uni again so will start to get a bit busier.
Well yes I did start Beserk and it was quiet good (keeping in mind it is an old anime as well) but then I started watching One Piece for the first time and..... I love it lol, so I kind of dropped every other anime and started on a marathon of OP lol.
I have gone quiet off reading manga to be honest, I have started reading books instead as I find them much more immersive, so I think reading the manga is out of the question at the moment :(. Have you read the manga then?
Well I was really enjoying Accel World, but then the main character just started getting on my nerves too much. I mean, he is meant to be a but of a wimp and scared of everything but it became too much for me, he didnt stand up to this bully who in the end (i checked) bullies him for another 5-6 episodes and I just lost my patience with it :(. Which is a shame as I was enjoying it.
Anything you are watching which is interesting?
I started Fairy Tail, but with OP right now, I cannot watch anything else lol
All the best!
and let me know if it works this time.
and here is the link to the club (though it wont be viewable until u join: )
Hope you liked it. :3
oh no! you changed your profile pix.... sorry, the video i made contains the old one... hope your fans can understand ^__^
Στη γεωμετρία ήταν πάρα πολύ δύσκολα τα θεμάτα (όλοι το έλεγαν) και μπόρεσα να γράψω μόνο τη θεωρια,μια απόδειξη και τις άλλες ασκήσεις λίγο μόνο τις άρχισα,οπότε ίσως να έγραψα κάτω απ' τη βάση.Αλλά εντάξει σε όλα τα μαθήματα έχω γράψει δεκανάρια και εικοσάρια ^^
Όχι,λογικά θα πάω μόλις τελειώσουν οι εξετάσεις γιατί έτσι και αλλιώς δεν κάνει πολύ ζέστη ακόμα εδώ.Τις τελευταίες μέρες έβρεχε.Εσύ;