Kyo Sohma is a fictional character in the manga and anime series Fruits Basket by Natsuki Takaya. He transforms into an orange cat whenever he is hugged by the opposite gender or when his body comes under a great deal of stress. This animal is not in the Chinese zodiac, but legend says would have been if it had not been tricked by the rat into missing the induction feast.[1] As part of his curse, Kyo transforms into a hideous monster whenever his Juzu beads bracelet are taken off.
Kyo usually acts short-tempered, impulsive, and rude, but that is only one side to this complex character. He is also sometimes called "Kyonkyon"(by classmates in episode three of the anime, which makes him angry) and "Kyonkichi", which means 'lucky Kyo', mainly by Shigure Sohma and Ayame Sohma, who enjoy teasing him. One example of this is when Shigure teases him to the point when he stomps off into the forest on the verge of tears. He also appears to have a strong dislike for leeks, and the smell of them makes him sick and also hates miso and spring onions.
Breaking the curse
On the last page of chapter 129 the quote, "When one who was never loved is loved, that ancient promise nears the end", is read. The implication is that when the cat, who was never truly loved nor ever truly fell in love, finds love at last, the curse of the Sohma family will near its end. Shigure Sohma has already noted the Sohma curse is weakening, especially considering Kureno (and later Momiji and Hiro) had been freed and Hatori's transformation is less than what was expected.
In Chapter 129, after Kyo and Tohru discover that he is free from the curse, Kyo tears off the beads on his wrist now that he no longer needs them; however he then suddenly feels unusual not wearing them and Tohru goes and picks them up. With the cat now free, a chain reaction begins as the remaining cursed members of the family are freed. Soon Ayame Sohma hugs Mine, Ritsu Sohma breaks a bowl in shock, and Kisa Sohma begins to cry as she plays with Hiro's baby sister. Kagura Sohma senses something has changed while she shops for groceries, as Isuzu Sohma and Hatsuharu Sohma embrace. Hatori Sohma, who was just out of the estate, is freed as well, while Shigure Sohma comments to himself the odd sensation of being freed. Out on a bench waiting for Machi, we see Yuki Sohma being freed from the curse as well and then kisses Machi when she comes. As Akito and the now freed Jyunishi break out in tears, a ghostly figure comes and takes the spirit of the Rat away, saying "Thank you for keeping your promise for such a long time." Akito and Shigure later fall in love.
Your Heart is your Love,
Your love is your Family ,
Your family is your Future ,
Your future is your Destiny ,
Your destiny is your Ambition,
Your ambition is your Aspiration ,
Your aspiration is your Motivation ,
Your motivation is your Belief ,
Your belief is your Peace ,
Your peace is your Target ,
Your target is Heaven,
Heaven is no fun without FRIENDS
It's ' World Best Friends Week' send this to all your good friends.
Even me, if I am one of them. See how many you get back.
If you get more than 3 you are really a lovable person..I am waiting
HEY!!!! I forgot all about this site =( i feel horrible. so much has changed.
Dec 30th i moved into an apt with my bestfriend of 20 years. We didnt have internet for a while and like 2.5 seconds ago I just hooked up my computer.
my surgay lol was good, i feel so much better, i'd like that to be the end of them ya know?
I havent finished sleeping beauty, i been reading random books, the sookie stackhouse, some sammurai book and now im reading Salem's Lot by Stephen King.
I havent found a new George, but I feel like Hacki >.< as of right now im 14 weeks and 1 day prego! Im having my first child and Im really excited about it.. I know im going to be looked down by some people but truthful I dont want to be married etc when I have a kid.
lol now maybe you know y i been missing for so long. BUTTTTTTTTT as of tuesday I started FULL TIME at work. Instead of making 900 a month ill be making 1500!!! yay
Lol yeaaah ur right its prbly admiration lol srry about that and hell NO, naruto soo has to choose between hinata or skura no way i dont want him going the other way!! And idk i dont feel pretty but everyone tells me i look like them soo maybe im kinda cute ^_^.
And aww man well i guess ill see u when u get back kk? take care and work hard~!!
All Comments (302) Comments
Akemashite omedeto, nee-san! :3
... It was ok. (^.^(
Aside from Miyuki and Tsukasa... I bought a non-anime figurine of Supergirl. It's cool that's why I bought it (by Kotobukiya).
Too bad I wasn't able to find Kagami's figurine. :3
Your Heart is your Love,
Your love is your Family ,
Your family is your Future ,
Your future is your Destiny ,
Your destiny is your Ambition,
Your ambition is your Aspiration ,
Your aspiration is your Motivation ,
Your motivation is your Belief ,
Your belief is your Peace ,
Your peace is your Target ,
Your target is Heaven,
Heaven is no fun without FRIENDS
It's ' World Best Friends Week' send this to all your good friends.
Even me, if I am one of them. See how many you get back.
If you get more than 3 you are really a lovable person..I am waiting
See you when I see you.~ ^^v
Dec 30th i moved into an apt with my bestfriend of 20 years. We didnt have internet for a while and like 2.5 seconds ago I just hooked up my computer.
my surgay lol was good, i feel so much better, i'd like that to be the end of them ya know?
I havent finished sleeping beauty, i been reading random books, the sookie stackhouse, some sammurai book and now im reading Salem's Lot by Stephen King.
I havent found a new George, but I feel like Hacki >.< as of right now im 14 weeks and 1 day prego! Im having my first child and Im really excited about it.. I know im going to be looked down by some people but truthful I dont want to be married etc when I have a kid.
lol now maybe you know y i been missing for so long. BUTTTTTTTTT as of tuesday I started FULL TIME at work. Instead of making 900 a month ill be making 1500!!! yay
Talk to you soon, hopefully!
And aww man well i guess ill see u when u get back kk? take care and work hard~!!