All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 144.3
Mean Score:
- Watching67
- Completed267
- On-Hold16
- Dropped41
- Plan to Watch315
- Total Entries706
- Rewatched0
- Episodes8,718
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 10.9
Mean Score:
- Total Entries426
- Reread0
- Chapters1,966
- Volumes109
All Comments (169) Comments
Anime Cards Club is now done with remodeling!
Okay, no I lied but we're like 99.9% finished
We have a brand new layout, staff members, badges,and much more!
It's like we're a brand new club, and do you know what to do in a brand new club?
✖Sign up for their newsletters (if you want to be updated).✖
✖Request for their new badges and member cards!✖
✖Leave some Card Suggestions✖
✖Not to mention that there are 2 new editions open! Open till Sunday or till post #50.✖
Rhythm Heaven SE & Fear LE
✖Play their games! haha but the games are still old so...✖
Count to 6000 - Rate Your Day - Eat or BURN - True or False? - Did you ever... - Do you like..
~Claims will be 2 weeks later~
Did I mention that we have a new staff? Well we still need more help! Sign up at the Staff Recruitment area!
Hi there! Do you want to join this awesome club? We will be happy if you'd join!~ (^o^)/
Hello everyone.
This is the creator of Tsuna x Kyoko club, CherryBlossom.
A new layout is up. Please check us out!
Have fun!
March Layout Voting forum is open!
come and vote