All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 68.3
Mean Score:
- Watching69
- Completed204
- On-Hold117
- Dropped27
- Plan to Watch375
- Total Entries792
- Rewatched7
- Episodes3,942
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 31.9
Mean Score:
- Total Entries163
- Reread0
- Chapters4,622
- Volumes323
All Comments (20) Comments
Well I haven't watched any of it since the second episode aired so uhhh don't blame me if it turns out bad; I have no idea how the plot progresses after that.
I really liked what I saw of Sangatsu, yeah. It was my favourite show of last season, even though I haven't caught up because I'm lazy.
Gotta drop everything I wasn't enjoying~ I wasn't particularly a fan of the comedy or characters in the first season of KonoSuba and it's the kind of show that doesn't really have much going for it if you don't find it funny. The second season was even less to my taste so I decided to not bother finishing it. I really enjoyed the first OVA of LWA but for whatever reason I didn't like the second OVA or series as much. Just subjective reasons. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Fall was when I got back into anime and so I tried out most of the shows that aired and not to worry, you didn't really miss out on much. Hopefully you'll like Youjo Senki from this season though, it's easily my favourite.
B-but I actually quite liked Kuzu no Honkai from what little I've seen of it. You don't seem to have it in either your anime or manga list, did you drop it before you even finished an episode? :D (Or, more likely, just forget to add it?) Why do you think it's really bad?
I really should just drop three-quarters of what I'm watching but then the other part of my brain complains about how I'm too far in to drop it, which I know is just a sunk cost fallacy but stillllll...
How goes it?
It does make you wonder though, what would happen if you had a harem of yanderes?