All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 33.8
Mean Score:
- Watching29
- Completed102
- On-Hold10
- Dropped29
- Plan to Watch37
- Total Entries207
- Rewatched6
- Episodes2,225
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 12.3
Mean Score:
- Total Entries137
- Reread0
- Chapters2,045
- Volumes117
All Comments (567) Comments
Mfw i have a nicer butt than most girls
how long have u been working out so far?
R u Bruce Banner irl? JOCELYN STRONG
Ay if you were to go in an anime club and have filthy weebs slobbering all over your waifu pillows, how would you feel?
I would be on some next level triggered shit. Aint no one cucking my pillows.
Haven't joined any clubs as of yet. They have club day this Wednesday where the clubs set up tents and stuff. I'd like to join anime club, but I've heard a lot of negative stereotypes about anime fans and anime clubs (though I've also heard there are some pretty chill anime clubs). If it's filled with people who bring their body pillows to the meetings I'll join film club or smth.
Are you enjoying yourself so far there? Join any clubs?
you still alive? been a while :^(
What "normal college(s)" do you have in mind?
Lol. Btw was that your first one?
How many ivies did u apply to?
Tbh though i didnt think it was that hard, a bit easier after the first time i took it.
Dw you are gona get a 2400, go to harvard, and become a billionaire. I c your future.
Eh im doing alright but ive been slacking a lot though so i shud fix that. Other than that everything has been all boring. How about you do u still have one more sat to take?
No one even started writing the essay for the summer assignment.
The teacher I have for english though is rly lenient so everything is due one the 18th