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Days: 71.5
Mean Score:
- Reading18
- Completed341
- On-Hold53
- Dropped52
- Plan to Read202
- Total Entries666
- Reread0
- Chapters12,868
- Volumes1,218
All Comments (24) Comments
Sorry for my many question ^^""""
Ack. Do pester him with your laptop problem! You also need it for school so you should get it fixed :/
hahahaha. In another 5 years, that stigma is not effective anymore don't worry xD Whoa. Do you have any other siblings?
An australian band huh? Its the first I've heard actually. Are their songs good?
Anyway, whoa. To be on advanced classes but hates school huh?
I see. Might be like that. You won't get it fixed? :O What if it'll cause more problems? The past month, MAL was kinda irritating with the img bbcodes not working...oh well. At least most of the glitches are now fixed. I'm not even familiar with the bands you mentioned. Only MCR though. hahaha I love 'Teengagers' from them.
hahaha! Funny that I have those similar reasons also. lol and yep, 5 years are not that big of a difference ;) Are you and your older brother close? Seems that way to me, that's good. So you became interested in that too?
Wow! :O I never heard of that T-T that's really sad to hear. So that's why :/ It's really upsetting so that's why they have to cancel events. :( I think that's a good move, something like respect to the lives that were lost. They'll be back soon before you know it ^^
Effed up? :S sorry to hear that. Might be because of malware/virus? I hate MAL lately. Those captchas are making me go insane. oh cool! Sum41, Panic! at the disco, Mclfy and All American Rejects to name a few :D What about you?
Why do you want to be born earlier? :D Oh okay xD If that's fine with you ^^ I guess you have older brothers or sisters? Ah yeah, you really missed something :/ Why did your teacher made you watch that in the first place? :O
The title is Gekidou :D
Uhhh, what happened in Korea? :l Sorry to hear that. But could you explain what happened? I'll do my research too. lol Did that happen to some selected artists...or it applied to all artists in Korea? :O
Ack. That sucks. :O Sorry can't help you with that...I don't watch dramas that much :/
How's IDM :D I'm not that knowledgeable with other jrock groups :/ ack. I'm actually into western rock but anime introduced some jpop/jrock artists.
Wow. You're very young :O I'm sorry that you have to chat with an old gal like me. lol but maybe your teacher is just doing her part since there's that PG-13 rating.
I'll listen to them, thanks for the recommendations~
I see :D UVERworld also performed an opening for Dgrayman...but its the last opening so you might not have heard of it.
hahaha! I do procrastinate almost all the time myself. :l Its even my last year for school and I should change. haha
Aww. So you just streamed the rest? I use IDM for downloading videos ;)
And I don't listen to k-pop...I only a know a few, SNSD, 2pm and Super Junior XD I'm more into j-pop.
lol. right, we have no choice but to watch them. and how old are you and the others in class? XD
haha. Yeah, they do. I liked it because its lighthearted mystery. Nothing too serious. This kind of mystery show is refreshing.
Okay, I will ^^ what songs would you recommend?
I like those you mentioned too! Funny that Colors of the wind is in Bugright :) Secret is just mild rock but still lovely~
Hm, that's tough but maybe those sung by Nagi Yanagi or those from Supercell(including EGOIST) mostly :) Ack. Haven't watched Tokyo Majin yet :S Dgrayman does have nice osts. :)
haha. Okay :D That's good enough. Maybe your school load last year wasn't that heavy?
I see, haven't read that xD How is it?
lol. I have of anime in my hard drive that I haven't watched too. gah. I agree with that, it makes me lazy to watch them >.< I just stream most of the time. And those sound like I right?
lol. So if that happens, you'll drop the whole series or just skipping this episode? XD
Haven't stumbled upon ONE ok rock's songs since they haven't performed an anime ost yet :S
A lot! Mostly songs from the album - Bugright, I guess Kimi no Suki na Uta :3 Yours?
That's nice :) Then I guess you don't read that much anymore. Real life must have kept you busy.
What manga is that? So...that manga also has a light novel but you prefer the manga?
lol. You're funny xD So you don't usually download? I'm weird because I only watch it to gush over my favorite seiyuu. But anyway, the art is really different now but I don't mind.
And gosh. You love UVERworld!!!
Let's be friends then ♪Hope we get along well ^^
haha. Thank you for that! :) We have mods that regulate those kind of reviews or recommendations. But they are too many to monitor. :/ What pisses me off are those who love to review even if 1 episode was just released or 1 chapter is released. -____- I mean, we have the discussion thread in the forums for that… But I rarely see them now lately which is good xD
Whoa. Maybe I'll do that if I haven't read it for a year. :/ But I've been always reading everyday. lol But you're reading some manga now?
and looks like we have common taste in manga!
Nice to meet ya ^__^
Cool, Btoom! looks awesome so I'll give it a shot after I finish Psycho Pass(whenever that happens). And don't knock it til you've tried it xD, we're not even gonna catch up to it, probably just gonna watch the first 100 or so episodes. I've just never sat down and watched it so I wanted to give it a shot is all.