Just a regular shy girl, love animes, love mangas, love to read, love music and love to play the cello.
Favorite anime/manga of all time: Nodame Cantabile <3 Kimi ni Todoke
Favorite Manga of all time: Fruits Basket <3 Kimi ni Todoke
1nd Animes: Utena, Kimi ni Todoke, Arjuna and Haibane Renmei
2nd anime and/or manga: Claymore, Berserk, Angel Densetsu, Wolf's Rain, Rozen Maiden, Fullmetal Alchemist, Monster and if Negima didnt have so much fanservice it would be here too.
And from old times Yu Yu Hakusho.
Favorite movie: Mononoke Hime.
My Favorite Josei and Seinen, but there always room for some Shoujo and Shonen ^_-
Favorite Characters(still updating): Sawako and Kazehaya from Kimi ni Todoke, All from Nodame Cantabile, all from Fruits Basket manga, Reki from Haibane, Anthy and Utena from Utena, Kiba, Blue and Toboe from Wof's Rain, Gutts, Griffith and Casca from Berserk, Sayo from Negima, Kitano from Angel Densetsu, Helen, Priscilla and Teresa from Claymore, General Olivier Armstrong, Izumi Curtis, Riza Hawkeye e Roy Mustang from Fullmetal Alchemist, Abel from Trinity Blood, Saya and Hagi (Haji) from Blood+ (Blood Plus).
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I guess it's time to revive Fai D. Flourite Fanclub a bit.
Would you like to join What would you say to Fai if in person? or Fai crossover pairing(s) discussions?
If not, it would be fantastic if you could make any other topic you like.
Hope to see you in the club! Best!
Aliás sou o yagamisama do Haitou,sei que c tb eh de lah por causa do teu nick ^^
PS: te adicionando ^^
Wishing you all the Best ^^
Tudo bem, né?