We have a couple of new polls up now which we have the Character and Team of the Month for February 2012 which you can vote for by visiting the following links.
To get this club up and more active again we are looking for members who are interested in helping us with different tasks in the club. If you have lots of spare time, are on MAL almost every day and interested in joining one of the staff openings please feel free to PM one of the admins on which tasks you’re interested in. Here’s some of the staff openings that are available now:
Newsletter Team – This is the area we need the most help. Job of being on the newsletter team is to send letters out to the members of the fan club. Were looking for at least 15 members or more to help us out with this task since sending letters to nearly 5000 members takes a long time for only one person alone.
Member Card Makers - If you have some graphic experience, we need your help with making Member ID Cards and sending them out to members that request for one.
Club Recruiters – Looking for a least a couple of members who are interested to help inviting members to the club that are interested in the Naruto series.
Again please PM me or one the other admins if you are interested in one of the positions above.
We just started a twitter account for the Naruto Club to send out news and updates as they come along. If you have twitter you can follow us by visting the following link:
Srry for late reply, but I have lot of stuff to do lately :( and I just feel worse than a zombie should, so I'll be brief and no fancy idioms, sorry :P After browsing your list I could rec :
1. Steven Erikson, really must start those. A lot of books, big stuff like wot, but much better. Maybe a slow start, too, like first and second book, but from the third on it's awesome. Trust me on this. My fav fantasy series ^_^
2. Seen you've liked Ender, and first thing that comes to mind is R Scott Bakker's Prince of nothing. Review here, take a look. Most inteligent stuff.
3. Brent Week's Night angel series. Extremely entertaining, I've done 3 books in 3 days. Intense, lots of moral dilemmas, keeps your eyes glued to the paper, and has those epic moments I love. Review
4. Scott Lynch -> Locke Lamora. FUN, with capital letters. Pretty original, and unpredictable, one of the best debuts I've seen lately. Review.
These are what I'd choose first. Hope it helps, and please post some feedback on them ( after you read 'em, of course ). Srry again for being late ^_^
P.S. Really liked house of leaves, but then, I haven't read any horror since, dunno, before highschool ? Remembered my Lovecraft days ... and I absolutely love books that have many layers, and may be hard to understand ...
P.S.2. You really, really, should start reading the Malazan empire series ! ^_^ ( and could postphone the Mistborn series, for the time )
Man , it makes my heart bleed, finding out you've read a book 10 times :P and re-read so many others , including wot, so many times ... Maybe you could list some of your fav sf/fantasy writers/books/series, or something like that ( namely general things you like or similar stuff ) , so I may suggest some _NEW_ series to try ? ^_^ I'm no big bookworm, but I certainly could have some interesting stuff for you ...
Then, some expectiations from Brandon Sanderson , huh ? Hope it ends it well. But since I got used to the audio-books, it will be kind of awkward, just reading it :P Eh ... We'll see.
Have any account on goodreads or anything like ? Very useful , you should check it out. I made one, and I'll try to remember what I've read, but I'm a bit lazy these days, so I guess I'll fill the details later. I just spent 1 hour or so to remember all the star wars books I've read ( and I've finished only 60-70 of them ), and I'm in no mood for wasting time like that ... Moderation is the key, I'll just add few books every day and so on.
All Comments (13) Comments
January 2012 Edition
But you haven't seen boku no pico. Your ancestors would be disappointed.
A serious response to a no serious statement. Bravo.
have a safe and happy halloween :)
1. Steven Erikson, really must start those. A lot of books, big stuff like wot, but much better. Maybe a slow start, too, like first and second book, but from the third on it's awesome. Trust me on this. My fav fantasy series ^_^
2. Seen you've liked Ender, and first thing that comes to mind is R Scott Bakker's Prince of nothing. Review here, take a look. Most inteligent stuff.
3. Brent Week's Night angel series. Extremely entertaining, I've done 3 books in 3 days. Intense, lots of moral dilemmas, keeps your eyes glued to the paper, and has those epic moments I love.
4. Scott Lynch -> Locke Lamora. FUN, with capital letters. Pretty original, and unpredictable, one of the best debuts I've seen lately. Review.
These are what I'd choose first. Hope it helps, and please post some feedback on them ( after you read 'em, of course ). Srry again for being late ^_^
P.S. Really liked house of leaves, but then, I haven't read any horror since, dunno, before highschool ? Remembered my Lovecraft days ... and I absolutely love books that have many layers, and may be hard to understand ...
P.S.2. You really, really, should start reading the Malazan empire series ! ^_^ ( and could postphone the Mistborn series, for the time )
Then, some expectiations from Brandon Sanderson , huh ? Hope it ends it well. But since I got used to the audio-books, it will be kind of awkward, just reading it :P Eh ... We'll see.
Have any account on goodreads or anything like ? Very useful , you should check it out. I made one, and I'll try to remember what I've read, but I'm a bit lazy these days, so I guess I'll fill the details later. I just spent 1 hour or so to remember all the star wars books I've read ( and I've finished only 60-70 of them ), and I'm in no mood for wasting time like that ... Moderation is the key, I'll just add few books every day and so on.
Have a nice day