Okay, i will once i get my science notebook.
lol Light and Lelouch both seem simliar to me.
Oh nice i love to do the Hare Hare Yukai(the dance in the ending)
I can recomend some^^
What type of anime do you like?
umm jusst a bit with forces,newtons laws, and EM waves.
You mean from Death note?
Lol i have a lot of favorites.
but i do like iwasawa masami from angel beats, okiita souji from hakouoki, and Gray from fairy tail :3
What anime are you watching?atm
Well, it's fine I guess. Even though I'd still like to move somewhere else when I'm grown up.
Hmm, not really I'd say. Although the most here watched some mainstream animes when they were younger, but now they call it childish to watch. At least in my case because I live in a rather small city.
How about in yours?
Conceited or not, everything I wrote down about myself is true. Of course there is possibility to see yourself as a better person than you actually are, but I guess it's kinda natural. Plus I don't really think it's very good to say bad things about yourself if you can actually do better.
Umm, fields of interest? Let me see.. Physics isn't really anything I'm enjoying much to be honest, I don't really study it any deeply, so I'd say I just pass on it. It's hard to answer that, really. Right now I'm doing some math and programming.
All Comments (30) Comments
lol Light and Lelouch both seem simliar to me.
Oh nice i love to do the Hare Hare Yukai(the dance in the ending)
I can recomend some^^
What type of anime do you like?
You mean from Death note?
Lol i have a lot of favorites.
but i do like iwasawa masami from angel beats, okiita souji from hakouoki, and Gray from fairy tail :3
What anime are you watching?atm
Lol I so need help in physics.XD
Yeah. ^^
and who are your favorite characters?
its just too epic xD
Hmm, not really I'd say. Although the most here watched some mainstream animes when they were younger, but now they call it childish to watch. At least in my case because I live in a rather small city.
How about in yours?
also try out death note, it is a must-seen anime just too epic :D
How is it going? & do you enjoy it here so far?
Conceited or not, everything I wrote down about myself is true. Of course there is possibility to see yourself as a better person than you actually are, but I guess it's kinda natural. Plus I don't really think it's very good to say bad things about yourself if you can actually do better.
Umm, fields of interest? Let me see.. Physics isn't really anything I'm enjoying much to be honest, I don't really study it any deeply, so I'd say I just pass on it. It's hard to answer that, really. Right now I'm doing some math and programming.