All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 110.1
Mean Score:
- Watching13
- Completed283
- On-Hold14
- Dropped19
- Plan to Watch105
- Total Entries434
- Rewatched23
- Episodes6,486
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 7.6
Mean Score:
- Total Entries44
- Reread0
- Chapters1,322
- Volumes110
All Comments (31) Comments
Oh nasol...
Anyway, ce faci? :)
And everything you said is true for me too. I've found it difficult to concentrate on work with everything going on and suddenly being tossed into working from home after working at the office full time. There's also less work and expectations are a bit lower, which helps and also doesn't help, lol. But I can't complain. I have a job and everyone in my family is safe/healthy.
Multumesc! ^^ Asa este, mai complicat cu salile si toate cele, dar macar au taiat putin din materie la unele discipline. :')
How is the pandemic treating you?
Anyway, sunt bine si astept sa dau bacul odata. :')
Revenind la anime, te uiti la vreunul momentan? ^^
The comedy was A+ in the original and I burst out laughing in several episodes. The backstory of the Sohma family is quite tragic, and I felt emotional once more details emerged from each member. They've all had a hard life, but they still try their best. I love the interactions between Yuki, Kyo and Tohru - it definitely captured the beauty and importance of friendship. Also, I liked one of the overall themes in the anime which is one does not have to be blood-related in order for them to be part of your family; YOU choose who is your family and families come in all shapes and sizes. Kyo is one of my favorite male characters in any anime, and his past is harsh as hell, but he still strives to get stronger and be the best person he can be despite his demons. Also, the love Tohru and Kyo share between them, I thought, felt quite genuine.