Hey minna~ Don't forget to check out TSC for new LE's and updates! See TSC's Club Layout
for various Claims & Shops. Do you have squiby's? Visit the TSC Squiby Center to level yours up.
Request your Member Cards or Badges & VIP Cards, if you haven't got them yet.
We've got some LE's coming soon; don't request them yet but keep checking the club to see if they're open: Current Available Cards
The points you earn from these games will be kept track in the TSC Points Counter.
If there's anyone who'd like to help update the Points Counter, please message amukid08, thanks in advance.
Want more newsletters to keep you updated? Subscribe here and we'll notify
you about more claims, club activities, new LE's, updates, and more! Everyone should check out TSC's Chatroom, where you can talk to other members of the club.
So come stop by the club, join in the fun and Have a great time ^^
Am auzit de la o sursa sigura ca multi dintre voi citesc manga în romana, nu? Totusi, ati dorit vreodata sa vedeti cum se lucreaza la un manga tradus? Ati dorit, cel putin o data, sa ne ajutati? Mangazup are nevoie de:
Ce trebuie sa faceti? Nu e nimic greu! Pentru inceput va veti face un cont pe forum, apoi veti da testul pentru pozitia/pozitiile alese iar rezolvarile le veti posta pe mangazup in acest topic.[/color]
Good Luck!
*If this message is troubling you or something please delete it*
Its official that the Newsletter will be delivered every Monday to let you know about what is to come in The Card Organization. You are receiving this letter because you are not signed up to receive it. If you don't want to receive it, you can just delete this notice; but, if you would like to receive one, please click the banner above to sign up.
This will be the last notice about this so you don't have to worry about spamming if you don't want a newsletter.
Thank you again for being a member of our evergrowing club!
First, we want to thank you for joining our club. Secondly, we would like to tell you about what's to come.
Right now, there are a few claims open like: claim a song (click here), claim a female character (click here), and claim a male character (click here).
But in order to claim characters, you have to request a badge here
If you have already done so, you should have gotten a banner saying so and have been added to the list here.
For those of you that aren't into claiming that much, or have claimed all they can this month. There will be LE/SE's at least once a week, so keep looking for those.
Vreau sa fac putina publicitate unui radio romanesc cu muzica japoneza. Kaen No Ongaku
Radio e online 24/7,iar in unele seri sunt emisii in care intra DJ, printre care si eu. Atunci se pot lua cereri si dedicatii,fie cu ajutorul site-ul la sectiunea "Online cu DJ-ul", fie pe ID-ul de dedicatii: kno_ro ,fie pe chat.
Pentru a asculta -> click aici
Avem lolis si bishies
sorry dude, don't have photoshop stored on this laptop as have it at work...i tried doing it with another app I'm trialing but the dimensions make it too small....anyways see what you think
All Comments (15) Comments
Am auzit de la o sursa sigura ca multi dintre voi citesc manga în romana, nu? Totusi, ati dorit vreodata sa vedeti cum se lucreaza la un manga tradus? Ati dorit, cel putin o data, sa ne ajutati?
Mangazup are nevoie de:
Ce trebuie sa faceti?
Nu e nimic greu! Pentru inceput va veti face un cont pe forum, apoi veti da testul pentru pozitia/pozitiile alese iar rezolvarile le veti posta pe mangazup in acest topic.[/color]
Good Luck!
I recommend you to watch Code Geass if you've loved Death Note, too...:)
Vreau sa fac putina publicitate unui radio romanesc cu muzica japoneza.
Kaen No Ongaku
Radio e online 24/7,iar in unele seri sunt emisii in care intra DJ, printre care si eu. Atunci se pot lua cereri si dedicatii,fie cu ajutorul site-ul la sectiunea "Online cu DJ-ul", fie pe ID-ul de dedicatii: kno_ro ,fie pe chat.
Pentru a asculta -> click aici
Avem lolis si bishies