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Days: 318.0
Mean Score: 8.40
  • Total Entries1,424
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  • Episodes19,093
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Ore dake Level Up na Ken: ReAwakening
Ore dake Level Up na Ken: ReAwakening
Yesterday, 10:13 AM
Watching -/1 · Scored -
Ore dake Level Up na Ken
Ore dake Level Up na Ken
Yesterday, 10:13 AM
Completed 12/12 · Scored 10
Ore dake Level Up na Ken Season 2: Arise from the Shadow
Ore dake Level Up na Ken Season 2: Arise from the Shadow
Yesterday, 10:13 AM
Watching 11/13 · Scored 10
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Days: 355.2
Mean Score: 8.80
  • Total Entries755
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  • Chapters41,567
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Kimi to Koete Koi ni Naru
Kimi to Koete Koi ni Naru
Yesterday, 10:12 AM
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Yumekui Merry
Yumekui Merry
Oct 28, 2023 7:49 AM
Completed 142/142 · Scored 10
Nan Eomma Nun Appa
Nan Eomma Nun Appa
Oct 28, 2023 7:48 AM
Completed - · Scored 6

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Kannei Feb 25, 2014 2:23 AM
vomic- seiyuu fanclub!

would you like to join us ?
FuyuChan1111 Jan 9, 2013 7:54 PM
You have been invited to join Active Brigade Creators~

Please join us if you are interested! Thanks~

~Polish Version~
Interesujesz się grafiką komputerową? Kolekcjonujesz karty lub chciałbyś zacząć? A może chciałbyś poznać interesujących ludzi? Zapraszamy cię do współpracy!

(Note: This Club Is Bilingual with Both the Languages Polish and English!)
WeikaReis Jul 2, 2012 10:25 PM
It seems that you like Nisekoi. So, would you like to joint the Nisekoi Fanclub ? :D

I hope to see you there~
Mountail Apr 9, 2012 1:01 PM
Tak, ale jeszcze nie wyszedł pierwszy odcinek, zaczyna się 13tego :)
Mountail Apr 9, 2012 4:30 AM
Wiem, wiem, ale to już parę tygodni ^^ I powinnaś wchodzić częściej, bo się pogubisz w tym, co już czytałaś. I zobacz nowe anime, te co się pozaczynały w zeszłym tygodniu! Wiesz, że jest np. nowy sezon Eureki 7?
Mountail Apr 8, 2012 12:40 PM
Już od jakiegoś czasu, pani Spostrzegawcza :) To z mangi Magi (patrz moje ulubione :p)
hlwar Apr 21, 2011 11:24 PM

Hello all! It's been quite awhile since our last newsletter, and the fanclub has died a bit since then; unfortunately, even our member count dropped. So I'm trying hard to add more FUN things, topics more on the lighter side of the dark anime.

What's currently NEW? Come vote in our silly new poll, Kyouichi's hair, or take the Online Quizzes, Tokyo Majin style!

Want some pictures? Member JuniorMintKiss and I are also working on a Screen Capture Gallery for the anime, and the stills are free for all. Do you use captures to make graphics or layouts? Are you skilled at Photoshop icons or banners? Share them with us! We'd love to see your Tokyo Majin works!

Be sure to stop by our forum because I know there's been new topics added since the last newsletter, too. But remember guys, the club needs its members to stay active - this means YOU. Look forward to seeing you there!

Thank you!
Mountail Mar 7, 2011 11:24 PM
E tam, widziałam to już wieki temu :pp
CuteAnimeJunkie Feb 4, 2011 2:47 PM

Hey everyone!!! It’s time for another club letter; please try to hold your applause.
Ummmmmo, what news do we have? Ah! I know! We have banners now!!!! They were made by the wonderful Deamanga-san. They are hiding themselves under a spoiler button on the club page (see if you can find them =P). Just copy and paste the code under the ones you want. Oh! But don’t forget to delete the **** or you won’t be able to see the pic!
Like always we have a new picture in the game up for guessing, so pop in and see if you know who it is. Ahaha it’s hard to believe there are so many different characters out there!
Ah! And I am looking for someone to help with making badges for the club! So, if any of you are good with gimp or just want to try give it a go! I promise I won’t bite you!!! …….ok. I might bite you, but it won’t be because of your editing skills. I promise n__n
Well, I guess that’s all that I have to say! Thanks for your time *bows and runs*

CuteAnimeJunkie Jan 12, 2011 7:35 PM

Hiya folks! It’s time for another one of our newsletters!
So. Hmmmm where to start, where to start? Well I guess the best way would be to announce that we officially have 50 members!!!! YAYYYY *throws streamers*
With that being said I would like to thank all of you for joining ^__^
As always, there is a new picture in the Character Game and this time it’s a doozie! So, I wish you all the best of luck cause I have no idea what it is :)
Oh! Final announcement then I swear I’m done bugging you! We have our new layout! Drop in, take a look, and tell me what you think!!! Next thing I hope to get done is a new pic for the main profile.
So, I’ll leave you guys alone now! Thank you for your time *bows and runs away*

CuteAnimeJunkie Jan 4, 2011 10:03 AM

Ohiyo minna! This is our first ever Kagetora newsletter! It is such an exciting occasion n__n
Alright. To start us out, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!! Please take care of me this year too *bows*
Next I’ve got a few announcements. First of all, there is a new picture in the “Guess this Character Game” on the forums. I promised a cookie to anyone who guessed it, but nobody seemed interested =(……so I kinda ate them all……oops
Secondly, we are going to be getting a new layout really soon as a kick off to the new year and something of a celebration for getting 50 members! We’re almost there!
Finally, I am also working on membership cards. We have a forum open for anyone else who would like to post a template. So if you have talent or just want to try please feel free to do so!
Well, that’s all! Arigatou minna n__n

Mountail Dec 28, 2010 12:11 PM
Mountail Dec 28, 2010 3:15 AM
Hej, ja się spóźnię 15-30 min :) Ale tak zimno jest! Wszystko mi zamarznie w torbie :( A, nie mam jak odpisać na tel/
Mountail Dec 25, 2010 3:25 PM
napiszę ci smsem
Mountail Dec 25, 2010 5:49 AM
Może we wtorek? Mam dla Ciebie trochę słodkości :)
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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