All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 115.4
Mean Score:
- Watching38
- Completed176
- On-Hold61
- Dropped24
- Plan to Watch126
- Total Entries425
- Rewatched0
- Episodes6,863
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 59.8
Mean Score:
- Total Entries193
- Reread5
- Chapters8,721
- Volumes436
All Comments (141) Comments
Thanks for friend request. Are you a Dallas Cowboys fan or Houston Texans fan?
As for anime, I haven't been watching much except Monster Rancher and Dinozone (not listed on MAL).
Oh yeah! ClownfishTV said that Crunchyroll has been swallowing Funimation whole. I knew that Sony couldn't be trusted and Monica Rial can go to hell (heard that her fiancé is some kind of freak or psycho).
She did good in Case Closed, FMA or even Rahxephon, but now, I just don't trust Funimation anymore. I'll remember to re-watch Rahxephon subbed instead and I'm big fan of Maaya Sakamoto anyway.
In other news, my Gelocities are on way to my house next week.
Yes, I agree with HSG and the 3D Saint Seiya that Netflix made was shit also. Hollywood couldn't even adapt Ghost in the Shell (ScarJo is not Motoko and she never will be) or even Cowboy Bebop, now they want to ruin Megaman. If I want an adaptation of Megaman, then I'll stick to NT Warrior with the awesome Inuyasha and Death Note VAs.
The Megaman fanbase will be unsurprisingly upset and hopefully, the game franchise will be more stupefied than ever before. Like other people, I still hate the live-action FMA. All those remakes will do is stupefy anime also.
The only things that deserve remakes are Hyper Police (which Pierrot can't handle because they are too busy stupefying Naruto and his kid, Boruto) and Zatch Bell, but should stay animated.
Oh yes! and I haven't seen any anime on Crunchyroll in a while. AnimeKisa and 9anime are a million times better so far.
I may have to check if TVShows88 has Wheel of Time even though they got lots of shows. More than Netflix could ever have.
On the other hand, I was just watching X-Files season 5 on TVShows88 and I might watch MacGyver again this winter.
Oh yeah! I did a decent amount of shopping. I plan on buying the Round Stics this winter for business while keeping the American Pilots for art. Many people already know that Pilot is a pen company from Tokyo. Pentel, Mitsubishi Pencil and even Zebra are big in Japan too. They seem to care a great deal about customers, so I'll buy whatever they're selling anytime.
Chances are, you probably saw one of those Hawkeye ads too. As for AnimeKisa, they have so much anime, but I already watched a lot of different anime. That site was going to be out of business until zoomers donated money to the maker with their parents' credit cards.
Oh! and Crunchyroll lost many subscribers after their release of some webtoon they advertised as anime. I feel sorry for anime studios getting their money stolen by Crunchyroll for that dumpster fire known as High Guardian Spice.
By the way, I don't consider Netflix anime to be real anime either. They're just cartoons Hollywood labels as anime for the sake of diverse entertainment.
According to some Youtubers like ClownfishTV, several movies bombed at the box office this season because of nonsense theater policies trying to keep out the so-called delta variant of the virus (still lacking in world ending capabilities seeing how China, the WHO and media all fake the number of deaths) and because of streaming being all over the place.
Several celebrities have also been filing lawsuits against Disney for breach of contract, mediocre business practices and Disney Plus content being subject to piracy.
By the way, the only time I'll consider going to the movie theater is if it's built closer to my house (not traveling 20 long miles to watch generic, politically correct blockbusters and transportation costs money) or if the theater owners stop watching too much fake news on TV (assuming they are boomers buying into CNN like real normies they are), Youtube, Twitter, etc.
Getting too much into that delta variant scaremongering crap like Judgement Day is at their doorstep. The absurd new policies just makes theater owners look scared.
I might also consider going the theater again if a new Macross movie comes out. Yes! Macross is back thanks to the Harmony Gold-Big West collaboration bringing the anime franchise worldwide. With the fact that the 3D Lupin movie made it to theaters last year, we might see more anime on the big screen.
I also heard not too long ago that China stole filmmaking secrets from Disney and soon, China will be homebrewing their own movies with Hollywood traits minus political correctness. Hollywood needs to know their enemies better and they should feel conned or cheated now.
China on the other hand, gave LeWong James and Hollywood the middle finger for trying to pander to them, as in communists. As you already know, Shang Chi and The Eternals are prohibited in China.
However, China still has the Mulan remake and they can keep that garbage along with their litter that the typhoon brought back to that country clogging their storm drains causing floods. Good job Mother Nature, teach them commies a lesson the hard way for littering the Pacific Ocean.
That ocean is not so pacific when it has had enough of Chinese people polluting it. I'm the last person on earth that would disrespect the ocean. Otherwise, it will unleash the tsunami.
've been so busy with work and calculus as I save money for the Uniball Air which is Made in Japan. I want to master calligraphy.
On the other hand, I'm almost excited about drawing Harley Quinn for the first time. Speaking of Harley, I'd love to see DC Animation make another cartoon with her. DC Animation does a very good job at handling DC characters to be quite honest, unlike Warner Pictures (Lord of The Rings is where they get real acceptance from) and the CW. DC Animation should do an animated Bird of Prey with the leader Batgirl.
I'd like to thank Hynden Walch for doing the voice for Harley so far (the lady has range). In the Arkham Asylum game and Batman: The Animated Series, Arleen Sorkin was the voice of Harley who must be very old now. So is Kevin Conroy and he is just as old as the elderly Bruce Wayne from Batman Beyond.
By the way, Harley Quinn is one of many reasons I love Batman: The Animated Series, Justice League Unlimited and the Suicide Squad animated movie (where her sex appeal really shines) from a few years ago, making formidable appearances.
Sure, many 90s shows lack household status, but X-Files is one of a kind. With stellar writing and pacing no one will find on Netflix or TV these days. I only use Netflix mostly for diverse movies until HBO Max gets a release date for those living south of the border.
When HBO Max comes out, then I'll invest money on a powerful, solid Android device like the Nvidia Shield which can handle 4K streaming, even though most streaming is Full HD or less than 1080p at best.
On the other hand, 35 books? Wow! and I only have E-books with me, but they're enough for me to study real hard. I'm no scientist, but something that I know as the future Jack of all trades is that there is no useless knowledge. Besides, like that Dokemi girl said in the anime Dai-Guard, "Scientists have more in common with children".
Literature-wise, I've been thinking about getting into advanced poetry like T.S. Elliot at around the same time I learn Calculus II which is said to be frightening knowledge. But if it gives me engineering qualities, then I'll gladly learn it. Being the Jack or Jill of all trades means having very broad knowledge indeed.
Lastly before I resume the rest of my weekend, I'd like to say that hopefully, Kingdom will live up to your expectations for years to come.
I like the DC universe mainly for nostalgia and the dark atmosphere. I also like it because it has more than enough mature elements to amuse me. Beast Boy for instance, can transform into dangerous animals, so contrary to the 2003 cartoon, he wasn't really made for kids. He also came out long before the 90s novel Animorphs, where kids transform into animals. I gotta admit, Shawn Ashton was the only good and memorable actor in the adaptation. Unfortunately for Animorphs, it didn't age well at all, but it had an interesting concept with the story being okay.
Speaking of 90 shows, I'm still behind on X-Files season 3, but I do know that it really amused me greatly. :) First time I heard that carbon and silicon were like sisters having similar chemical properties. I should have taken chemistry instead of remedial biology back in school. Biology was a piece of cake, even compared to algebra and Calculus 1 that I recently mastered.
Other than that, I feel you, so many things to do, but not enough time. Fortunately for me, I'm enjoying Vision of Escaflowne more than expected, mainly because again, I'm a big fan of Maaya Sakamoto. Heck, even her singing is awesome.
Also yes, all the aired Marvel shows except Daredevil are okay at best compared to DC counterparts. Sure, many people complain about Titans, but it was better than Umbrella Academy and Netflix originals from 2019 (all that nudity and no substance; Marianne is a blatant dumpster fire). By the way, I enjoyed Supergirl more than Arrow after season 2 (Slade was the real villain in the show, but Ras Al Ghul was badass too; he was made for Batman after all).
Anyway, I hope that you had a good weekend. I couldn't watch enough episodes of Vision of Escaflowne this weekend because of chores and canning (still more reliable than refrigerating). Although, I did put on some Fate/Zero on Netflix for entertainment while cleaning up the house.
That show was boring, so much that it put me to sleep. Not even Stan Lee liked how Hollywood (both Disney and Netflix) handled the worst character in the Defenders bunch. Everyone was literally swearing when I asked them how was it.
The Punisher on the other hand is awesome as he is manly, dark, antiheroic, everything, but season 2 of his TV show was okay compared to the 2005 PS2 game. That game was the best adaptation of the vigilante character ever made featuring several Avengers characters. Black Widow in the game had a pretty convincing Russian accent, she is a spy from Russia after all. Oh yeah! Spike Spiegel's VA Steven Blum was in the game as a lawyer Frank didn't need.
So yeah! Iron Fist was easily the worst superhero show ever. Even the 1996 Superman has way better pacing than that, even if it was made for kids.
By the way, I'll hope your older brother will have a happy birthday soon enough.