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All Comments (65) Comments
Hidan no Aria review
It was completely garbage show.
Let’s talk about how Madhouse is the living contradiction of simultaneously being perhaps the best and worst animation studio in Japan. Madhouse did Monster, Nana, Dennou Coil and Kaiba, but it also did Chaos;Head, Photo Kano and this. Madhouse shows are either a brilliant, innovative feast for the eyes or they are garbage, and nothing in between.
From your Mahou Sensou review.
One of the most accurate things I've ever read.
Thanks for the review! I don't usually comment (because my english sucks) but this review was so spectacular I had to say something.
Keep the good work, I'll be reading some of your other reviews soon :)
Ps: sorry for my crappy english
One thing I noticed though, is that at the end you plugged in your bit about "hatred of women".
I regret to inform you that there are deeper, more realistic reasons for female characters lacking agency in anime, with the upshot being that few people actually hate women.
Japan is a culture where men are conditioned to be attracted to the aesthetic of helplessness(not necessarily real helplessness), and that's not to say that this reflects on all Japanese men, but traditionally they've been expected to want women who, for example, are ashamed to tell them they enjoy sex, and who act almost as though they're being raped while it happens(note that despite this cultural leaning they seem to have a very low rate of actual sexual assault).
When anime are marketed toward that group of men, it's no wonder that they reflect those aesthetic values, that said, neither side of the equation reflects hatred of women, it just means they are turned on, or expected to be turned on, by female characters who have a chronic lack of agency, and no desire to secure any. This is not unlike a large amount of erotic fiction marketed to women.
And I know, given your association with tumblr, there's a high chance that you'll turn this around to them and use it as fuel for their irrational desire to imagine victims where there are none. I want to believe that you're not the kind of person to do that, but we'll have to see.
Anyway, thanks for the review, it was at least more entertaining than the series itself.
Everytime I think about that anime I just shake my head sadly.
I hope that the upcoming Dramatical Murder adaption is better. (Or at least, not sinking to such a pathetically abysmal level as TnC).
My thoughts almost exactly, sir, superb review.
Dodging as many bad anime as I can is one of my strategies in picking what to watch, and for that I mostly have to rely on user reviews on this site and other related forums. I'll definitely be on the lookout for more of your work.
Normally I don't read reviews that long, but yours was a very pleasant surprise and summed up my own thoughts of this anime perfectly. Thanks for that~
I was originally going to comment on your profile pic until I saw your list style. Anyways, I'll check his art out, love his style. c: