First Name: Stuart
Middle Name: Abigail
Birthday: April 24th
Eyes: Dark Brown
Hair: Short and Dark Blonde
Fav color: Silver, Purple, and Dark Green
Day/Night: Night! Best time to write! But I draw better in the Day…
Fave Food: Cabbage! And pasta! But not together…
Do you ever wish you had another name? Yeah! I want somethin' like… Eugene… or Victor! And yes, I'm a girl.
Do you like anyone? Maaaaaaybe
Which one of your friends acts the most like you? My best friend: KAE!
Who's the loudest? Of my friends? Varsh…
Who have you known the longest of your friends? Kae!
Who's the shyest: Hannah
Are you close to any family members? Basically all of my family!
When you cried the most: ??? Umm… I dunno?
What's the best feeling in the world: When I'm with my friends! Online or Off.
Worst Feeling: Failing classes
Let's walk on the: Beach!
Let's run through: the flowers!
Let's look at the: Hentai.. I mean.. errr…
What a nice: dead body
Where did all the: crack go?!? T.T
Why can't you: give me back my bishie?
Silly, little: rabbit
Tell me: where is the explosion!
Ran away from home: Nope
Pictured your crush naked: …. Possibly…
Skipped school: Nope
Broken someone's heart: Yeah… on purpose too.
Been in love: WHAT! NO! psht!
Cried when someone died: Yeah
Wanted someone you knew you couldn't have: …. This computer is mocking me.
Done something embarrassing: OH YEAH! Hehehe
Done a drug: Totally! Crack! And caffeine!
Cried in school: Nah!
Your Good Luck Charm: My katana!
Person You Hate Most: A lot of people….
Best Thing That Has Happened: I was born?
Ice Cream: Strawberry!
WHO Makes you laugh the most: Kae
Has A Crush On You: A couple of people
Do You Have A Crush On Someone: Already asked me this?
Fallen for your best friend?: Nope
Made out with JUST a friend?: Nope
Kissed two people in the same day?: Nope
Had sex with two different people in the same day?: Nope
Been rejected: Nope
Been in love?: Nope
Been used?: Yeah… grr
Done something you regret?: YEAH! Hehehe
Cheated on someone?: Nope
Been called a tease: hehehe… yeah….
You touched?: Seth
You talked to on the phone?: Kae
You hugged?: Jonathan
You instant messaged?: Katie
You kissed?:…. Computer is mocking me again….
You yelled at?: Blake
Who text messaged you?: Morgan
Who broke your heart?: Stephen
Who told you they loved you?: My dad xD
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Sorry for waiting!