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Anyway i haven't watched aaint oniisan, i'll have to look it up. But i do like anime that has a feel good vibe. Just most anime now can get annoying. Like the effects and art can be beautiful, but the overall story and characters are boding as hell.
Tokyos been great. And i made sure my hotel was in akihabara lol. the only probelm is that theres so many figures i want. I even got two suit cases n their both full, but i can't help buying just that one more lol
Anyways i'm flying back tomorrow. I'll be traveling back in time lol so hope to talk soon ^_^
I love monthly girls nozaku kun. I've even read the manga which was just as funny. Although watching them in the anime made the comedy even funnier lol
Well good luck with your cat hunt, you might get lucky and one'll come walking down the street ^_^
it was a good show, especially with the race, "Bear, what Bear, ahhh." lol
Yeah, i've brought some more light novels just yesterday, one called The Dark Maidens. its sounds good, but got to wait till i read it to say for myself ^_^ I haven't watched re:zero yet. Got the first part of dvd, but waiting for the second to release before i start watching. I prefer to watch them in one go, rather than watch half only to wait a few months for the next part.
And its finally time. I'm going tokyo tomorrow yay ^_^ so i might not reply until i get back Kickassdani, so take care and hope to talk again soon ^_^
Aw that cat does sound fluffy, their better like that, feels soft when your stroke them. ^_^
Have you heard of special A, some clips are funny if you youtube them too
I've heard of it becoming an anime, if they dub it i'll more than likely watch it. For some reason i've just had the interest to get into more light novels, since they can continue further than the mange. I like it when the story gets to a proper ending, rather than just leaving it unfinished.
I'll be the same, probably wait for a few vol to come out first so i can buy in bulk lol
Thats fine, the same to you too. All good things come to those who wait, just that some got to wait longer than others ^^
A springer spaniel, i think, can't be sure but around those lines, his names Blade, and as much as a pain he is, he is still part of the family, the only one i don't really mind, unless his barking while i'm trying to watch anime. Anyway, next time you move maybe try and look for a place which would allow pets, or just put some milk on your door step, cat's always come back for food and that way its not yours so you can't get in trouble.
It did catch me off guard at first, put it was a nice change of pace, i could watch it without been too invested in it, plus i got most of the ref lol I loved that bit about "what film are we ripping off again" There were quite a few like that though. Shame they never did another series, but i am kind of glad they don't do it all that often.
I've been looking into light novels today, i've already got three so looking for more. Any recommendations. they have some good plots, great for research for my books. About snow white, i wish they make another season though, it was good and charming, the art was colorful and the characters were lovable. Even though it didn't seem like much, it kept me entertained throughout, its nice to have an anime like that which you can watch without it getting boring ^_^
If it does fall on you, i heard its good luck. Who knows, maybe something good could happen.
Before i forget again, i've managed to watch ghost stories. It caught me off guard at first, i didn't think it'll be so adult humor, and its very american noised which is good since i got most of the reference. It was good and different, nice to see when they spice things up, but i probably wouldn't want it in all anime though ^_^
Who can live without the internet nowadays. Its brings us closer to anime, (the ones we can't get on dvd)
If their's a manga i want to read and they haven't released them over here yet i try and read it on my phone through the app, just annoying that it takes just as long for them to update the next chapter. Oh by the way, have you heard their releasing snow white with the red hair manga, i think its over here, but can't remember so don't quote me on it just yet.
You shouldn't be worried unless you want to be, or if you see something falling out of the sky
Millennials i'm way past that point lol, oh the generation we live in. prices are going up while the quantity is going down. Sometimes i wish i was born a hundred years ago, i might fit in better with their sociability but then their'll be no anime.
Post and packing is free on wordery, and their cheaper on the site than most places. Always best to price check. You can't beat a good cuppa, just i like mine with plenty of milk lol
Well it might help if i knew your address, but since thats not the case you'll just have to look up to the sky. ^_^
Who wouldn't want their own place, but even though, i've also thought about getting a little cabin in the woods. Somewhere else that no one knows about for a weekend to escape everything, the peace and quiet to just write and read ^_^ maybe next to a lake. Anyway, it was funny i'll give you that lol, just hope not so many people actually do it though ^_^
Have you tried That's where i buy most of my manga and books, and their quite cheap. Not sure if i've already told you this, i can't remember everything in my head, its filled with so much knowledge already lol.
Thanks, again, i'll try sending you some luck, not sure how much i've actually got to spare through but your welcome to it ^_^
Anyway, when i do get my own place, i do plan on turning one of the rooms into a study or something like that, somewhere to keep all my books and dvds. i need a whole room just to hold them, or maybe even two. Speaking about wandering around in underwear, who actually does that, even when i'm alone i still wouldn't, anyone can break in at any moment.
Good that you can read any vol, i've got to start from the start, can't be missing anything. I prefer to get the box sets though that viz media do, their pricey, but at least i get the whole series ^_^
Thanks for the luck, i'm gonna need it.
I couldn't even do that. I'm really shy around new people, i'll probably only say hi and nod my head, since i spend most of my time alone i would hardly see them lol.
I know, gets annoying, don't tell me its the same with frau faust, i just dicided to add that to read on my phone, yet the chapters aren't all done yet. kind of annoying.
And i love them too, they should really do more. I'm defaintly gonna read tsubas and xxxholic, but perfer in hand.
For my job, i'm a warehouse operative for ceva and eon, i pack the gas meters and stuff and put them on a pallet to wrap, problem, people are idiots, they lazy and won't do stuff, they can't pack or stack probably. Sometimes i think their all retarded, which most probably are. I pretty much use to run it, but they gave a team leader rule to two other people, who couldn't handle it, it just got to the point where i'm like, f*** it, so i don't do as much now, but people still come to me.
I don't really wanna house share, since i'm anti social it'll feel awkward. Some friends have said that we should get a house together, but i know what i'll be like. I'll just be in my room doing my own thing, coming out every now and again, and their'll come and annoy me. Some people you can only handle in short amount of time.
I wish they release another vol of the manga, i think its been nearly a year since the last one and still nothing on the next.
I love the cat returns, it was good how they got the cat from whispers of the heart and gave him his own movie, maybe they should do something like hat again. Anyway i want to see Mamoru Hosoda's new film, Mirai i think its called. Its about his own son it i remember it right. ^_^
Tsubasa is one of my fav anime, i love how they incorporated their other works. I really need to start getting the manga, but they should do another series as well.
Take care, oh and by the way, may i ask what's you job? If you don't mind telling me that is Miss
I loved that scene with Jae-ha, especially when Kiga started dragging him off lol, have you seen noragami, when yato gets in the bin and spies on hiyori ^_^
Its rare for me to watch anime going back past the 00's nevermind the 90's, but i do watch some sometimes. I haven't seen paprika or millenium actress, guess i just haven't gotten enough of a recommendation for them. I loved summer wars, everything the director did is good, like wolf children and the boy and the beast. Ghibli films have to have their own rank, granted i like it when they do the mystical better, like spirited away or howls moving castle, but the historical's are good too, like up on poppy hill and the wind rises, have their own magic. I enjoyed ghost in the shell, maybe one day we can watch it together, then i can answer some questions which you don't understand ^_^ but the digimon films are great, mainly because what they did with the dub and sub, they edited the dub to be a completely different film plot which was great when i found out ^_^ only thing i'll watch in sub lol.
The anime for claymore was good, but the ending just left things unresolved, and only covered about half of the manga. I've got the complete manga which made it even better. I suggest trying the manga if you can. That is if you don't mind women fighting monsters with large swords and been torn limb from limb, then its quite enjoyable ^_^. Speaking of Ouran, i just loved the comedy, it introduced to me so many things about anime, like sempei and chan. When i first watched it i was like what are they saying, but i've even got the manga as well which is even better, I loved the ending ^_^ For fruits basket and wallflower, i haven't watched them. With fruits basket i knew of when i first started watching anime, but it didn't apply to me back than, but i might try and give it a go one of the days. Anyway, i loved yona of the dawn, how yona grew and matured throughout the series. For only having 24 episode it seems so much longer. The art and colour all work well together. When i watch something i imagine myself in it and that was a series i loved to be in lol The only down side was that it took them to the last eipsode to find the yellow dragon, would have liked them to tackle an anime or two in the process, here's to another series.
When they mirrored the anime, they were my favorite screens, mainly due to i guess because i had seen them before and recognized then. It was good seeing them done as live action. But with Akira, i don't know if its just me, but i didn't find it all that impressive. Don't get me wrong, the art was beautifully detailed, but the whole plot was lacking. Even till the end when his friend pretty much blows himself up. But can't love them all right? But the bike was cool.
I'm not that bad... yet... ;)
With endings to some anime though, depending on how they do it, it annoys me when they leave it on a cliffhanger, its fine if they plan to do another series but most don't which just leaves you with that. When i see something like that it feels to me that their just trying to get us to invest in the manga. Now sometimes it works, like with claymore or blue exorcist and ouran high school host club.
I kind of liked ghost in the shell. Most people were on about white washing with scarlet joanson, but after watching it they did quite well. Because they gave her that body, but in flash backs she was an Asian woman, some of the other plots could have been better, like the main bad guy at the end, but i loved how they implanted her body and that. if that makes sense.
FYI i've been told i give a really great massage, hands of god i tell them lol
Talk soon ^_^