Random Quote
Behind every successful man is a surprised woman.
Current Goals
X. Re-watch Prince of Tennis
X. Complete member cards
X. Finish Layout
X. Colour in some more 1/2 prince images ^^
Important Messages
My computer crashed recently and i lost all files. So for any club
that i was doing cards for i have lost the templates and can
no longer make them. I will contact you all individually when i get
a chance, thanks for understanding :3

All Comments (65) Comments
The fact that you've also recommended them saying "Yet in both manga it shows these 'problem children' aiming for a goal and working to achieve it." and "they have similarities" makes me so relieved seeing that there is an another person like me who feels the same towards them. I am wondering what made you quit this platform nearly 10 years ago. You were probably tired of it or satisfied with ones that you've watched/read or maybe didn't have time to give as you were 20 years old at that time but I hope that you still read mangas like both Rookies & Worst every now and then in your daily life. Rest easy, Kiaspa Senpai!
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Merry Christmas! Ah sorry about the not really Christmas themed card but the pic gave me a Christmassy feeling and decided to use it :p
it took me ALOT of time to make it XD
so i`m kinda surprised that i finaly managed it ^-^
thanks ^-^ heh
it took quite some time to make the gif aswell XD
i`ll have some updates later, but its finaly done XD
heh, join XD
i`m curenctly workin on my profile ^-^ hope you`ll like it too XD
oki, thanks!!
i just wanted to thank you again ^-^
and to show what i could do with your help ^-^
please check it out, and tell me your opinion ^-^
btw, how did you make the lines (borders)?
liek this:
oki... i know how to do http://i35.tinypic.com/2exlxc6.png now ^-^ i found it ^-^
now the main problem is with the gif pictures.... i still dont get them TT_TT
i have Photoshop Elements 6.0
i undestood how to add a picture to the internet.
oki, i didnt understand at first whats a crop tool. but then i went to google and found it XD
oki, as for the movie 13. downloading it now ^-^
well i made some gifs... but somethign is definitly wrong....
when i made a gif with 2 pics, the quality is bad..
but when i did with 10 pics, whe quality... is REALY bad XD
whats wrong?...
well mostly i understand how do stuff...
but i didnt understand how to do this:
how did you outline them? and after you cut the outlined, how do you delite the outline?