I m speaking from 7 months in the future, looks like most our predictions came true, and i ended up liking all your recommendations, except dororo
also i think u should check boogiepop(2019)
Exercising is a good way to relieve stress I completely agree.
I’m trying to figure out what I do. But I think that if I have moments where I feel down I just think to myself where would I like to go? And I just go. This year I’m saving up to travel to Korea. I’ll be alone but it’s going to be fantastic. I love Korean culture / tv shows / music so. But then I also play a lot of games with friends and I love to write letters too
I love travelling but hate flying haha. I know right?
How have you been? What’s new? Tell me everything.
Sorry for the late reply, Gintama is a really funny show. I am currently on episode 138 and I really enjoy the comedy in it and the fact that anything can happen in it including a lot of references and parodies from other shows. There are a lot of characters which I think you are going to like.
Jojo is a very popular show, I started watching it about 1 or 2 years ago, the story and the openings are very good and every episode is interesting. I especially enjoyed season 2 and 3 and I am watching season 5 at the moment which is currently on-going.
Nästan alla i min klass vill bli just psykologer det är också mycket därför tanken blir mer och mer avtändande, jag är även en lagom studeimotiverad person så att hoppa på en av dem absolut jobbigaste linjerna känns sådär men jag har fortfrande lite tid att tänka över det.
men du tar ju studenten snart! ska du börja jobba inom vården och läsa vidare senare i livet eller vad tänker du?
Tack, det lär verkligen behövas ((: matte nationella kommer inte att vara en fest )):
Herregud du har testat det mesta. Jag går samhäll beteendevetenskap, så även jag är inne på att bli beetendevetare kanske inte psykolog alldes för hög konkurans för mig. Och ja, matten är verkligen det värsta, kan inte ens tänka mig naturen men har bara ett halv år av matte kvar och sen aldrig igen, det tar upp marijoteten av min pluggtid ):
Well, I want to visit a lot of America before going foreign tbh. The only place I'm considering
visiting before seeing what i wanna see in America is Japan. Since I might have some friends to go with.
But, in 2-3 years, a buddy of mine and I are going to see New York City, which will be awesome.
I suppose my list would be like this.
1. America
2. Japan
3. Norway ;)
4. U.K. (Mainly Ireland tbh)
5. Australia (so many friends there)
6. Italy
7. Sweden (finally)
sry for the late reply, busy mate, hope you been doing alright
All Comments (192) Comments
also i think u should check boogiepop(2019)
sorry to barge in so suddenly
I’m trying to figure out what I do. But I think that if I have moments where I feel down I just think to myself where would I like to go? And I just go. This year I’m saving up to travel to Korea. I’ll be alone but it’s going to be fantastic. I love Korean culture / tv shows / music so. But then I also play a lot of games with friends and I love to write letters too
I love travelling but hate flying haha. I know right?
How have you been? What’s new? Tell me everything.
Jojo is a very popular show, I started watching it about 1 or 2 years ago, the story and the openings are very good and every episode is interesting. I especially enjoyed season 2 and 3 and I am watching season 5 at the moment which is currently on-going.
i’d move in a heartbeat if i could
i’m more interested in cinematography
love visualizing ideas
men du tar ju studenten snart! ska du börja jobba inom vården och läsa vidare senare i livet eller vad tänker du?
Tack, det lär verkligen behövas ((: matte nationella kommer inte att vara en fest )):
yeah, though it’s expensive :l
going back for neuroscience probably
or literature
or film (i’m not sure yet)
visiting before seeing what i wanna see in America is Japan. Since I might have some friends to go with.
But, in 2-3 years, a buddy of mine and I are going to see New York City, which will be awesome.
I suppose my list would be like this.
1. America
2. Japan
3. Norway ;)
4. U.K. (Mainly Ireland tbh)
5. Australia (so many friends there)
6. Italy
7. Sweden (finally)
sry for the late reply, busy mate, hope you been doing alright
i wanted to study either that or literature (i love writing)
wound up studying math, though
not sure why
that’s super exciting though
definitely don’t drop out haha
do you know what you want to study in the future ?
Du går i 3:an eller? vad läser du?