I'm just an ordinary girl who love manga and anime..
I'm Asian , so forgive me for my bad English,
I suck at grammar :D
But please be friendly or chat with me
I will really happy for that..
And thanks for visit my profile...
oh.. and don't forget chat with me...
please feel free to add or follow my account..
I'll accept friend request ^^
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Here's your card~
It has finally happened guys! WE HIT 1000 MEMBERS!!!!! *throws streamers* I love all of you guys soooo much! Thank you for sticking with me all this time and making We Love Bishies the friendly, boy crazy club that it is. It would be nothing without you guys.
I have one more announcement. Starting next month I am not going to be sending out the newsletter to everyone. Only the people who sign up for it HERE will get one. With the club growing so much it’s becoming difficult to send it out. Thank you *bows*
Here are links to things you might like:
LE 1000 card
LE Bishie of the Month Cards
Vote for Next Month’s Bishie
Whip a Bishie
Sign up for Newsletter
Hi hi minna-san! Sorry that we missed last month’s newsletter, I had a little hiatus pretty much all of June and spent July making up for it. Please forgive me! -bows-
Anyway, let’s get down to business! Here’re the goodies for this month:
Bishie of the Month Cards
Vote for Next Month’s Bishie
Whip a Bishie for August
We Love Bishies is always looking for perky members that wish to step forward and join our staff. Every month we need willing vict-- *ehem* volunteers to help pass out the newsletter. It is one of the most important jobs that we have in the group and is rewarded every month with special privileges. If you’re willing to take a stand for the bishies, please message Taichou on her page so she can mark you down!
Happy Nosebleeds
ahaha gimana? belom nyoba nyicipin shirokuma? =)
incest... :swt:
suka sama ade sendiri.. :LOL:
Sebenernya c aku suka Hare, cuma dy-nya mati.. hikss.. ==a
fave buat season ini... Mungkin acchi kocchi, Kimi to boku 2, tasogare otome x amnesia, sakamichi no appolon..
kalo kamu?
btw, profile pict kamu kok Manna c? Kawaii-an Inori... >.<
Season ini ngikutin banyak.. hampir 15 anime...
Accel World
Acchi Kocchi
Fate Zero2
Kimi to boku 2
Area no Kishi
Kuroko no Basuke
Haiyore! Nyaruko-san
Hiiro no Kakera
Kore wa Zombie desu ka season 2
Medaka box
Natsuiro Kiseki
Rock Lee
Sakamichi no Apollon
Saki: achiga hen, episode side A
Shinning Hearts : Shiawase no pan
Tasogare Otome x Amnesia
spertinya itu~~
Susah kyaknya nyari boneka sadaharu.. hahaha.. kaLo ada aku juga mau.. hahaha..
Kadang menyimpang dari jalur y? tapi justru d situlah lucunya Gintama.. wakakakk
Ooo. bisalah, ade aku aja bisa masuk IPA, nilai adeku juga rada" tau.. hahahaha