All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 88.1
Mean Score:
- Reading14
- Completed414
- On-Hold11
- Dropped0
- Plan to Read541
- Total Entries980
- Reread16
- Chapters10,636
- Volumes1,446
All Comments (130) Comments
Okay..sounds like a good start to these two I guess.
Prince of,that franchice is still going,just like Cardcaptor..but the gap between first and second manga series of Cardcaptor was like 16 years while with Prince of Tennis manga it was only one year.I'm looking forward what the upcoming ''fanservice'' game going to give us timeline wise it's basically before the New Prince of Tennis.
Well,I'm not against what came after (except The Glitter OVA series which was just parody and sell-out)
The recent one picked up with its 2nd cour when new things started to happen and we got some new route and basically set up for the possible final conflict between our two female childhood friends that were living together (I mean looking back at that opening sequence that we got for the whole's basically spoiler just from the look at them how they look on the opposite side from each other with their disgusted look or what you may see it as).
Nice..I consider the 2nd season being the peak of Free..sadly the movie sequel to S3 got postponned last year (not only because of cov*d but also due to that ars*n incident at KyoAni as well).Though for some reason Violet Evergarden Movie was delayed like twice yet it still released the year it was supposed to debut in..
Kinda get where you're comming from...I waited 3 years for Boruto anime get to the main business of the manga (Kawaki and Kara organisation).It basically was 90% up until now (and one of the canon arc was basically in the promo Boruto movie [being in TV series as well] which its success is what made the manga being serialized to begin with - lol)
.But ye..except for that..lorgunners that have fillers these days are bearable,at least for me because we used to grow with animes that had anime original ending or anime where it had 30-40% fillers at the very least (no matter the genre).
Well,this season there weren't any memoriable or ones that I would look back at..except for few,the obvious winner being Horimiya,Yuru Camp 2,Bungou Stray Dogs Wan,Tenchi Souzou Design-bu or even 5-toubun does fairly well its tempo and the different arragment compared to the manga...and then there's Sk8,from director of the Free S1+S2 (skating anime that came out of nowhere really).Jaku-Chara Tomozaki-kun seems to be popular as rom com/real life simulator but since i dislike or don't feel half of the characters I doubt I get into its LN any time soon.
Then there are oddballs that feels like animes from 2008-2010 (for boomers like me) - Ore dake Haireru Kakushi Dungeon (typical harem with timid male MC and gets the job done when it matters) and Vlad Love which is basically yuri bait anime but doesn't really go that way in the 2nd half with its dozens of references along the way.
Though there may be some other not so well done animes that you could still enjoy for its settings and watch like ep per day for either of them to eventually finish some of them.
But ye..probably choose some from the ones above (though Hormiya,you need to perceive it as summarization of manga route than anything else since 10 years of accumulater chapters are crammed in 13 eps so basically only the stuff that director selected from the manga made it into anime..could be comparable to Yesterday wo Utatte which isn't romcom,not to mention the adaptation of the manga it did was from 90s but was going for 18 years..but still great experience,to me).
Well,if Shippuuden is hard then choose these smaller 1 to 2 cour animes and watch 1 ep daily and you get the job done - just make your own pace for the starters to eventually get back into it again and maybe you find some anime where you could even watch 5-6 episodes of something in one sitting.
there's actually quite a bit in the past 4-5 seasons and I'm lazy to write like 30 or so titles...but if it's only genre wise,that should be easier xD
Definitely catch up with Fruits Basket since Final Sesaon is coming this Spring.
Pretty good I would say..we had cold 2 weeks (almost) yet it was sunny like almost every single day so it felt nostalgic to experience the very cold yet fresh air in Prague.Anime's been one of the more stacked season since 5 seasons ago (if I don't count the chinese/korean ones that are in return lacking this season in number..I guess).
And you?
that's my main problem w/ most anime tbh i just get bored
then i have a never ending on hold list ;_; sigh such a sad cycle
i'm not working anymore btw! i'm sooo glad omg i was so stressed
lol i'm headin' back to school on monday!
not a huge fan of wimpy MCs so kyouko's cool
psh you can learn mac & cheese lol
it's ok tho we'll finish someday!
and YES lol tbh disneyland sounds pretty good
i'd probably pick that over flippin burgers haha
(tho you could be flippin burgers at disneyland idk)