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Days: 212.7
Mean Score:
- Watching80
- Completed746
- On-Hold355
- Dropped425
- Plan to Watch90
- Total Entries1,696
- Rewatched16
- Episodes12,383
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 85.4
Mean Score:
- Total Entries224
- Reread0
- Chapters12,765
- Volumes701
All Comments (13) Comments
Solo quería decirte que este perfil copió su reseña de Mizuiro Jidai
Oh, I put the text on it, but it's fan art by "Agahari":
(Heads-up, NSFW ads on the site)
Where is that from?
Aside from kansaiben, it might be seen as a formality thing; the particle itself is fairly... unused in modern Japanese, but it seems to have stuck in its one form if nothing else.
It's helped a lot. I'm not sure it's done much for my reading ability, as I still practice that by, well, reading - but it's done wonders for my listening and speaking abilities. I can handle mostly anything by myself (without the help of Japanese people, as most foreigners do), and talking on Line or something exclusively in Japanese is about as easy as doing it in English. I might have to ask or look up a word if there's something I want to say but don't have the vocabulary to express it, but otherwise it ain't much of an issue. And yes, Japanese is certainly more expressive! I also feel somewhat limited in what I can write in English since it lacks much of the nuance and depth of Japanese. But it also serves as motivation to find new ways to express myself in English.
I think it's OK if you just learn Japanese for visual novels and other forms of media. Learning a language is always productive for the brain, and, hey, doing it in a way you enjoy will make you happy, too. You're actually in a pretty enviable position if you just started learning, since it means there's a lot of great stories for you to experience, like SubaHibi, which you mentioned, as well as Sakura no Uta, Asairo, Muramasa, etc. It is somewhat difficult to become skilled in speaking/writing through self-study, but there are still ways, like posting on Japanese message boards, playing an MMO, finding a pen-pal, or even just putting random thoughts into Notepad.
And yeah, I did drop Mama Is a Fourth Grader for one reason: Izumi. By God, this woman is absolutely AWFUL. I don't know how much more I could have taken of her! She is a pathetic excuse for a parental figure, doesn't do anything useful, always causes trouble, always blames Natsumi for her own (Izumi's) stupidity, never takes responsibility for her actions, only does stuff when its convenient for her, is a major hypocrite in that she tells Natsumi to be more responsible (keep in mind, Natsumi is only 9 years old) when Izumi is the one who needs to be responsible and mature, and generally makes life worse for Natsumi! Seriously, when a nine-year-old girl is more mature and sensible than she is, you know Izumi is a terrible person. I know her antics are mostly played for comedy, but honestly, that just made everything worse for me. So yeah, can't stand Izumi, and I don't think I can handle 41 more episodes of her being stupider than a lobotomized monkey.
You didn't rant. I liked reading your comment, and happy Thanksgiving to you, too!
"Thanks for the support anyways on the forums, I was quite frustrated with how restrictive google forms were, until I realized there was this tiny button in the corner that brought back the old google forms and its options. "
you did? -goes to check the form- oh great, it's looks already better and also includes more informations
(hope you'll consider finishing yours or later on I'll just delete your row, which I hope won't cause any problems down the road.)
i may try, it's just that i don't know how to fill it, i don't know myself that well >.>
my line can be removed at any time, it only has 1 value, i'll just add a new one when i feel like it
Unfortunately I can't seem to find any more formatting options to use up all that white space, so I'll have to do font as a way to lessen the scrolling needed.
i see, it would have been pretty handy if there was an option to have the questions ordered on two columns, that would reduce the length by half
maybe also the numbers could be removed? something like this:
you may just need to remind how the voting works, with numbers at the start, then it's not needed to repeat them for each question
is there an option for an "introduction" of the page getting loaded? a little vote help/tip could go there if it's possible to remove the numbers from all the questions
"I really have no idea how this looks on phones"
before it looked like a layout optimized for phones, with those oversized "everything", now it's more desktop friendly
but guess the google forms aren't advanced enough to allow two layouts, one for desktop and one for mobile :/
(who did the previous lists using paint was using a desktop anyway, doubt they did that with a phone)
"Oh and if you have any graphs/stats you think I should highly consider, I'll appreciate it."
more "general statistics" would be interesting, currently there is only "daily votes"
other statistics could be, the "top 10" (fetishes) by average score, also the "bottom 10", then the "most unknown" (by which got less votes)
having the average score for each entry would also be useful
good luck in the contest