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Shingeki no Kyojin: The Final Season Part 2
Shingeki no Kyojin: The Final Season Part 2
Feb 25, 12:06 AM
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Boruto: Naruto Next Generations
Boruto: Naruto Next Generations
Feb 25, 12:06 AM
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Toaru Kagaku no Railgun 4th Season
Toaru Kagaku no Railgun 4th Season
Feb 24, 6:27 PM
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Seto no Hanayome
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winddevil1 Mar 17, 2019 8:54 AM
happy birthday =)

winddevil1 Aug 29, 2017 3:00 PM
no idea, i stopped watching after i knew they would kill people every episode...and even more when i saw her on the ending image (where the dead ones turned to other color or whatever), so i don't know anything else, other than what is on her MAL page lol

actually why are you using a picture of chaos dragon as your profile pic? =O
winddevil1 Aug 27, 2017 3:01 PM
meh i hated the fact it used "friends" as a sacrifice, and while i understand it in episode 1...doing it for every ty,
specially since i started to like Eiha or whatever was her name and didnt feel like watching her become a sacrifice (even if i already read the spoiler about her fusion thing)
winddevil1 Aug 24, 2017 6:06 PM
i like how you saw "lol what" to everything about an anime and say it is stupid and all that stuff and then give it a pretty decent score of 6 =D
#BesReviewEver haha
then again i still think chaos dragon deserves a 1 and worth being dropped at the middle of episode 2 =D
Valenthyne Jul 14, 2017 12:34 AM
That three month hiatus felt like three years. I thought you had gone and died on me.

So far, I actually like Wendy. Quite a bit of a welcome surprise, I would say. I look forward to experiencing the remainder of her story. So far, though, I've only seen the first two episodes of the Nirvana arc and got pretty put off. Between the awkward combat, meh villains, and Erza getting incapacitated by some cheap shit, it hasn't been very appealing to me. Today is actually the one-year anniversary of my starting the series, strangely enough, so maybe it's a good a time as any to continue further.

Four days after my last reply, I did finish Death Note, and it sure was great. I'm honestly surprised by how many people don't like Near, so much so to pan the entire latter arc altogether. Though I love L as one of my all-time favorite characters, that doesn't take away from Near's intrigue and success as a detective. Sure, I think the story would have benefited tremendously if L remained the primary detective throughout the series, but I wasn't too upset with this choice.

The live action trailer doesn't look to good imo. Most of the cast look ill-fitting for their roles. The only saving grace that I can tell is Willem DaFoe playing Ryuk, as I genuinely can't think of a better actor for that role. Other than that, I have no positive expectations for the series and believe it'll turn out as another shitty live action cash-in. I've also heard news about a studio trying to pull together a crew for Cowboy Bebop, and I'm not sure if my heart will be able to take that.

Also, funnily enough, I finished Berserk (2016) back in June. I ended up giving it a (6), like you did, and agreeing with much of your sentiments. As a fan of the series, I couldn't help but enjoy the story, but damn that CG really threw me off. Overall, it was a better experience that I had expected, though. (2017) has the same exact garbage CG, though it was smoother in some areas. There were even a great deal more standard drawn scenes that actually looked quite beautiful, though that kinda just makes things worse because you start going "Why doesn't it all look like this?!" Ended up giving that one a (7) though because the new character Schierke is awesome while the others experience a great deal more development. Plus the story as a whole was much better in these arcs anyway. Berserker armor, baby!

If you at all have any sort of passion for the series, I would recommend eventually watching this newer season, though definitely go back and check out the older ('97-98) series or manga first, as previously mentioned.

As for Attack on Titan (I believe this is what our latter paragraphs have been about for the last few comments), I've lost really any motivation to watch the series myself. They are indeed working on a *third* season, but I also believe it will be a single cour just like the second. Why they do this, I have no clue. Not really my problem. I'm surprised you're seeing a lot of hate, since even though the rating has dropped to nearly the level of the original, a lot of people seemed content or even impressed with it.
Valenthyne Apr 13, 2017 6:35 PM
Butter sweet, huh? ;)

So far, I'm only up to episode 51, which is directly before the Wendy (Nirvana?) arc and volume 15 (as my friend mentioned). I've been procrastinating my ass off, but every time I think about starting up again, I get hit with another series to watch (or in case of the seasonals that just finished, five). Since I don't really see anything that good this season, I'd planned to begin again here in April, but now my friend got me started on Death Note. Who knows when I'll catch up now? I just hope I like Wendy.

I don't think you really should need to know a whole lot of the textual content if you're watching an animated adaptation, otherwise it's a bad adaptation. They're supposed to exist independent of each other, much like movies and novels. Kinda sucks if you're being left confused despite having enjoyed and experienced the first season. The fact they're even utilizing cliffhangers just makes it shittier. Hype or no, can't say I'm agreeing with how they're developed the anime.
Valenthyne Apr 10, 2017 7:56 PM
Well, I'm still a bit behind so I guess I'm in a different boat. Pretty soon I'll be getting up until the 15th volume, which I believe is near where I've left off in regards to the anime. My goal was to finish both animated series before Dragon Cry came out, but that's very obviously not going to happen. There's still some hope I can catch up before the finale, so, uh, take your time Hiro ;)

In shock how? Good or bad? I'd hope the former, as though it may not seem my cup of tea, few anime have such loyal fanbases. In my experiences, it looks like second seasons generally even improve on what was a good initial adaptation, so it'd be great if that proved true for AoT. At least for MAL, it's still holding strong at a 8.75 rating though, so fingers crossed indeed for what's to come.
Valenthyne Apr 5, 2017 2:48 PM
I mean, the more I think about it, the more foolish leaving that large of a gap in terms of an anime adaptation would be. Having "Dragon Cry" as the last major animated release would be real sore for the fans. You're right, too, it doesn't have to be the 100+ patterns they've underwent so far, just SOMETHING.

Also, if I'm not mistaken, Season 2 is just going to receive 12 episodes, and whether or not there will be a third or fourth is beyond my knowledge. If that's the case, you should be comfortable just waiting a couple months! Gives me a deadline too to catch-up myself. Now that all my seasonals are over, I have a much freer schedule.
Valenthyne Apr 3, 2017 1:51 PM
I have no idea whereabouts the 2014 anime concluded in the manga, but I know from a friend that there's a great deal of content since then that would be fucking amazing for an adaptation (if not just for Irene alone). There's a bit of worry around that, though, since I dunno exactly what precedence there is for such adaptations to be made after the manga's conclusion (since again most anime serve to advertise the manga), but if the franchise is as popular as we'd like to believe, it may not be as unlikely as one would assume.

There was a long rebuttal to that food analogy you just made, but it came off too strongly a digression. I'm just really hungry. Should probably be working hard at my watchlist instead of memeing about ice cream. AoT 2 seems to be doing real well, btw.
Valenthyne Mar 31, 2017 10:06 AM
Eh, again, I understand too well the want for a series you love to go on forever and forever, but I also wouldn't want it falling into the same watered down quality that One Piece and the like have ended up as. Fans would obviously be unhappy, for sure, but I'd rather the characters be laid to rest rather than be puppeted around, way past their time. I'd think of it more as a short-term unhappiness compared to a long, drawn out distate of mediocre content. Hiro is a great writer, but nobody can effectively draw out a series longer than they think is proper. At the very least, if the manga does end, we need at the very least a final third animated adaptation.

I imagine most are more concerned with the story, but historically I've been focused mostly on the characters. Like, I can watch a series with a meh story if the characters are great, but not vice versa. I'm certain that if Fairy Tail didn't have my dearest Erza or even Natsu and Lucy, I likely wouldn't be investing so much into it. The story's great, but the characters are the ones that make it work.

And yeah, genres definitely aren't the only way to identify a series, but oftentimes they enforce particular conventions that end up ruining the experience for me, which is why I explain my likes and dislikes as "tendencies, but not rules". Fairy Tail, personally, breaks the mold of the shounen genre a bit, which I believe is a huge factor in why it's drawn me in. JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, for a time, was technically a shounen as well but serves as another example that challenges tropes and cliches.
Valenthyne Mar 30, 2017 10:55 AM
I wouldn't say that exactly, we both like... uh, Fairy Tail? Nah, not sure our tastes are opposite, it's just I haven't seen much of what you have.

Considering what I've heard from my friend, there's a high possibility there may not be an animated adaptation of the events post FT (2014), which would be pretty devastating considering he's a big fan of the arcs (and a particular redhead too). It just doesn't seem fair that the best of the widely serialized shounen is the one that gets the least attention/screen-time.

Yeah, Naruto is just getting milked as far as it can go. One Piece is likely the same, but who knows, it could have better writing for all I know. At the very least, you're completely right about the animation, and that's one of the many reasons I'm not going to invest my time into it. I'm not even that big on shounen in general, so Fairy Tail will satisfy that need.
Valenthyne Mar 27, 2017 11:20 AM
Studio Ghibli is such a well established and beloved studio, but I'm not sure if their content is for me. I've seen a couple films so far and haven't been impressed, but others such as Princess Mononoke may pique my interest more.

Not sure if I'd already asked, but are you hyped up for Dragon Cry? Mashima seems to be adamant that this is going to end up the climax of the series, which means it could be ending this year :(

I guess that's a fate better than some of the other shounen. One Piece / Naruto are being milked to the last drop, with Bleach being screwed over because of internal issues. I would much rather a great, expansive series like Fairy Tail be put to a stop when the creator decides the moment is right rather than unnecessarily prolonging it.
Valenthyne Mar 24, 2017 2:22 PM
I guess you could say what makes a really good series is that, even if you know the ending or a particular event, you'll still enjoy the events leading up to each. That's happened many times in my case, both in terms of anime and live action series, so it's not always that bad. I'd always prefer to go in completely blind though.

Fortunately, I'm not too hype on the upcoming seasonals, so by the end of next week when all (but perhaps one) are over, I get to go back and pick apart my glorious and ever-expanding Plan-to-Watch list. I might just rush down a bunch of the movies since my experience thus far are just continuations or re-adaptations (in Cowboy Bebop and Berserk, respectively). Do you have any suggestions there for some neat films?
Valenthyne Mar 23, 2017 11:38 PM
Yeah, I'm starting to see what bullshit dealing with new seasons can be, especially since you're not even guaranteed a new one after a series you love ends. The trend I'm coming to find out is that they're often a year a part, which is a fucking long time honestly! You're certainly right about that advantage of already completed series, as it's always going to be there for you and you don't have to worry about that empty void that's gonna wreck you at the end of a season.

And certainly, that's bound to happen and there's not much you can do there. I hate having to stay away from sources like wikis where there's rarely ever any sort of spoiler feature. You might just be trying to look up something as simple as a name and boom, did you know these two are related? Did you know X killed Y? Oh... you just wanted to know their birth date? Oops...
Valenthyne Mar 14, 2017 1:27 AM
Trust me, I most definitely understand that feeling. I got super lucky though in that I never have to wait more than a day between new episodes because there's at least one new release on every day that doesn't start with T (though Sunday's is really just a 2-min short). There's a lot of series worth checking out this season, so when April comes around and most are finished, you should give 'em a shot. Most that I've seen also have manga continuations, thankfully!

Playing around spoilers is like minesweeper, honestly. I remember having one major death spoiled for a series I was currently watching through a recommended meme video on YouTube, only to have that death finally revealed in that day's watching session. Some bullshit, I tell you. Even worse, sometimes my friends let things slip or have it somewhere on their profiles, and I get miffed from that. They say "oh, by the time you'll get there, you'll forget it", but I latch onto that shit like glue. Seriously, I remember spoilers I've heard from two or three years ago that still plague me. Sigh...
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