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Days: 53.9
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- Episodes3,958
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Days: 98.1
Mean Score:
- Total Entries144
- Reread81
- Chapters9,585
- Volumes854
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All Comments (128) Comments
Hvordan har du det idag?
Jeg fandt dig på en MAL Klub der gik under navnet "J-Popcon (DANISH)".
Så jeg antager at du er fra Danmark ligesom mig :)
You wrote another fic? yaaay! gonna read it asap!.
So you use your homework as study material? woah sure is different, normally you use a book or notebooks.
Really? c'mon you're smart! will be a piece of cake for you ;3
Really? How nice~ being with the family ^^
I still dont know the results yet, I'll know them more likely on tuesday when i go back to school again.
Kinda tough, my finals are this week but I'll end that tomorrow then I'm gonna have 1 week off!, so my summer break starts officially on friday =)
you havent finished? O.o
phew! you worked hard there huh O.O
so How are you doing? :3