Majo da. Yoroshiku.
Latest Milestones
📷 Anime:
#800・Umibe no Étranger
#900・Shiguang Dailiren
#1000・Bungou Stray Dogs
#1100・Bungou Stray Dogs 2nd Season
#1200・[Oshi No Ko]
#1300・Fate/Grand Order -First Order-
📷 Manga:
#900・Zenra Otoko to Shibainu Otoko: Keishichou Seikatsu Anzenbu Yuugeki Sousahan
#1000・Pink Heart Jam
#1100・SnK: Kuinaki Sentaku
All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 193.8
Mean Score:
- Watching41
- Completed1,322
- On-Hold113
- Dropped7
- Plan to Watch262
- Total Entries1,745
- Rewatched133
- Episodes13,515
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 136.3
Mean Score:
- Reading41
- Completed1,160
- On-Hold42
- Dropped24
- Plan to Read205
- Total Entries1,472
- Reread235
- Chapters15,098
- Volumes2,211
All Comments (237) Comments
Thx for accepting my FR!!
Nice to meet you too ^_^ Hope you have a great day <3
Btw love your profile ♥︎
We have very similar taste 🤩 ahah love your favourites!
Ahah yeah almost 60% affinity!
We are bringing back the custom signatures and wallpapers for the 2023 Bunkasai this weekend, we hope to see you there!
You can request a new or updated custom signature by posting a pic in the Image Swap. I hope to see yours there- we have a lot of amazing shares there: https://myanimelist.net/forum/?topicid=2118354
(I will try to reply to my favorite posts there!)
Also you can request another custom wallpaper for your phone (the Colorful Card design) by voting in the custom CSS contest- please check out the layout designs, our members put a lot of effort into them as well and your feedback is welcome🙏
I will try to get them to become public designs we can all use later!
Hope to see you there on Sunday or Monday (we will close up requests on Monday). 🎉 Apologies if you already know, or miss this event- you can always request an update for your graphics in our group anytime in the future!
Colorful Card Album Links
This is your parting gift from the MAL Bunkasai custom cards event- the huge Colorful Card! Thanks for participating, I hope the event was fun for you. I'm absolutey honored so many people requested and enjoyed my designs.
Hopefully we will all see each other again!!! 🥰️
Your pool's card album
#351 - #360 by Stardew ✅https://imgur.com/a/oN9CcpF
Many volunteers helped personalize the cards and picked amazing images! All listed below. Big thanks to them for their hard work!!!
If you liked our cards, tickets designs, and custom sigs, please join our group Shishio's Custom MyAnimeList for more cards and events in the future. We also have ways to customize your lists, profile, make original graphics, and add exclusive features to MAL! Cool new content and features are planned for 2023.
All past signature and card deliveries from this event (including Ornate and Magical Autumn) will always be linked here if needed with backup albums. Your original request post was also updated with your ticket proof if ever needed.
Want a redo, or can't find yours?
so try it out on your phone >:D
Успехов, любви, удачи во всем!)
Как там учеба у тебя? Несколько месяцев уже пашешь, как-никак :D Какие предметы у вас нынче? Когда сессия?)
У меня уже меньше чем через 2 недели первый экзамен, кааак, ну как так время пролетело?! Нынче просто завал с сессией, но я весь семестр вкалывала как проклятая, прорвусь!х) Хотя учиться очень и очень надоело, просто с невероятной силой заставляю себя делать последние рывки и сдавать долги, коих хоть и немного, но существенных =/ Еще месяцок и долгожданная свобода!
Чего-то я все об учебе и об учебе :3
Чем занимаешься в последнее время? :3
Я стала книго/сериало/фильмозадротом :3 Очень много времени не читала толком, а сейчас пробило :D Зная себя и свой пунктик на списки, заставить себя читать много не составило труда - я просто составила список книг, которые прочла, читаю и в планах...и понеслось :D Сейчас взялась за английскую классику, читаю "Грозовой перевал" Бронте) и еще кучу всего, хохо ^^
и сериальчики, сериальчики!*о* Последний жутко понравившийся - Игра престолов, моя тема, абсолютно!:D
Так что вот, так и развлекаемся :D