Score explanations:
10/10 - I enjoyed it thoroughly from start to finish. Resonates with me deeply on either a personal, emotional level or on an artistic one, or both. I just know it's a 10 when I can't describe it as something other than a masterpiece. The top of my favorites!
9/10 - Amazing and flawless show/film which I enjoyed a lot and have no complaints over. Deeply invested in what it had to offer. Will definitely continue to revisit these for years and consider it to be among my favorites.
A 9 leaves a profound impact on me.
8/10 - Great show/film, just perhaps a few complaints that can be more or less overlooked, still quite rewatchable!
7/10 - Very good and overall enjoyable, flaws considered, just not something I would actively want to rewatch. Additionally, it was lacking in some aspect(s).
6/10 - Has flaws or other problems but was still enjoyable, good and slightly above average. However, I will probably never watch it again.
5/10 - Noticeable flaws or just run-of-the-mill; may be a bit of a drag to watch. Not really bad, just average.
4/10 - Has problems and was overall a little boring or not too enjoyable; a bit difficult to finish. But it still has some redeeming qualities.
3/10 - Very boring and not appealing. Might have a couple of redeeming qualities and that's it.
2/10 - Ultra boring, no redeeming qualities.
1/10 - Just, no.
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
- Total Entries52
- Reread0
- Chapters1,854
- Volumes143
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