Seems like i invaded myanimelist as well.
Just kidding actually this really helps me up to keep track with anime and manga.
uhu~! ok I will not be online so often but i will try as for the rest reviews are not my strong point (maybe that's why i didn't post one yet.)but i think i'm not fully prepared to show my critique i do really have a tendency in being to harsh somethings but that doesn't mean i will never post a review .As for the rest friends invites if you want to be my friend well go on don't be shy i don't bite .I do have a mangafox ,deviantart and youtube as well (basically everywhere where you see my username is me )under the same username as well so if you like you could search for me as well (well not to many interesting things to see anyway)
PS:not giving my msn,skype or yahoo unless you really want to speak wih me and by that i mean more than 3 times at least
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Este un site in limba engleza, care pe langa articole si discutii ce privesc ANIME, mai acopera si industria cinematografica si muzicala din China, Japonia si Coreea. Va invitam sa il vizitati si sa ramaneti alaturi de noi. Suntem la inceput de drum dar ne miscam foarte bine, iar feedback-ul din partea voastra ne va ambitiona sa mergem mai departe. Postam frecvent articole bine documentate si interesante. Avem si un playlist cu melodii foarte diverse, pe care va invitam sa le ascultati. Avem deasemenea si forum: Doar o mica remarca, cei care au gmail s-ar putea sa primeasca mailul de confirmare in SPAM asa ca sa verificati. Va asteptam! Vizitati si pagina noastra de facebook:
sorry for the weird & very random comment. I was creeping your Youtube channel &.... yes... =/////////=
/slithers away.
*click to stamps to go on club site*
how did you like and why or why not no reason for asking this just curious about how you feel please respond if you want ok also if you want to ask me a question look at my anime list and ask about one i am watching or have already seen and ask about if i like one or not if you want.