All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 219.2
Mean Score:
- Watching2
- Completed1,421
- On-Hold3
- Dropped227
- Plan to Watch3
- Total Entries1,656
- Rewatched14
- Episodes15,243
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 291.0
Mean Score:
- Total Entries992
- Reread4
- Chapters38,754
- Volumes3,230
All Comments (205) Comments
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Belldandy Birthday Edition // Edward Wong Hau Pepelu Tivrusky IV Birthday Edition
Sumomo Birthday Edition // Portgas D. Ace Birthday Edition
Dia Kurosawa Birthday Edition // Todoroki Shouto Belated Birthday Edition
KDA Popstar Edition // Mio Akiyama Birthday Edition
Felix Argyle Birthday Edition // My Melody Birthday Edition
Takane Shijou Birthday Edition // Happy Lunar New Year
Roller Coaster Edition // Kuroko Tetsuya Birthday Edition
Roller Coaster Edition
Burning Flames Edition // Umi Sonoda Birthday Edition
Bunnies Edition // Gas Mask Edition
Giorno Giovanna Birthday Edition // Maki Nishikino Birthday Edition
You Watanabe Birthday Edition // 5-Year Anniversary
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
▮ Delivered by Ascheherz / / VocalisticMelody's Cards ▮
Save & rehost within 2 months or the link with be unaccessible.
Problem with cards will not be possible to fix so I apologize in advance.
It's been a long journey and thank you for requesting.
Do not sent me a 'thank you' comment; sent it to the most hardworking courier here.
Side Note: I know there are cards that some may have requested and it's not part of the delivery.
Keeping it short, my computer, on it's own, somehow, deleted all those psd files.
Might've been a windows update. idk, but now have a new computer.
So the ones that were already named, is all I have.
Counting Clouds End of Year Mega Delivery
300 Member Edition ---> Cards
Bakemonogatari Halloween Edition ---> Cards
Candies Edition ---> Cards
Halloween Leftovers Edition ---> Cards
Wicked Halloween Edition ---> Cards
Randomness Collection #1 ---> Cards
Rem Tournament Champion Edition ---> Cards
Izuna Tournament Champion Edition ---> Cards
Member Cards ---> Cards
Member Badges ---> Cards
Please save and rehost
If there are any problems feel free to PM me :)
- - -
Thank you so much for joining our wonderful ensemble!
Your member badges can be found by clicking the banner.
Remember to save and rehost or your membership will be lost.
Enjoy your stay~!
- - -
Some of these cards are quite overdue
Well here is a card delivery - CTRL + F to find your card - Remember to save & rehost your cards
Y U A ' S D E L I V E R Y
What Makes the Sky Blue Edition | Cards Here
❀ ✿ ❀
Please save & rehost within 14 days
If there are any problems, send me a PM
Thank you for requesting! ♥
Sorry I'm like half a year late
~ Anime Animals and Creatures ~
Hamtoro Solo Edition: Card #1 || Hamtoro Solo Edition: Card #2
Hamtoro Solo Edition: Card #3
Hamtoro Solo Edition: Card #4 || Hamtoro Solo Edition: Card #5
If any of you look in all of these editions and still can't find your cards, go ahead and ask me and I'll find it for you.
Use ctrl+F (search your username) to find your cards and make sure to scroll to the bottom of the page first; otherwise, it might not work.
Please PM ElleGrace with the tagline 'EDITION NAME: Card Delivery' if any problems or questions come up!
~2222 Twins Milestone Edition~ | ~Cards~
~High Heels Solo Edition~ | ~Cards~
~Yuki Edition~ | ~Cards~
~Under the Mistletoe Edition~ | ~Cards~
~Skate with Me Edition~ | ~Cards~
~Webtoons: Reboot Edition~ | ~Cards~
~Staff Favorite Anime: Akatsuki no Yona Edition~ | ~Cards~
~Gestures of Love Edition~ | ~Cards~
~Staff Favorite Trope: Romance Edition~ | ~Cards~
~Sept/Oct Birthdays~ | ~Cards~
~Nov/Dec Birthdays~ | ~Cards~
~1st Anniversary~ | ~Cards~
~ElleGrace's Sweets Collection: Week Two~ | ~Cards~
~100+ Members Edition~ | ~Cards~
~Pumpkin Edition~ | ~Cards~
~Official Member Cards~ | ~Cards~
Biggest delivery of all times!
I know most of you though you would never get this cards,
but here they are! Please let me know if something is missing
or wrong. Thank you again for requesting~
| Just Another Yaoi Club |
Loveless Edition || Sex Pistols Edition || Guess the Character Event Prize
Father and Child Edition || 400+ Members Ediiton
| Anime Animals and Creatures |
December COTM: Ioryogi || January 2019 COTM:Mii-kun
| Card Dreamland |
New Year HE || Gaara Solo Edition: Day #6 || Seaside LE
Slashers RE || Metal Gear Solid Theme || Babies RE
OK KO Let's be Heroes! Theme || Rick and Morty Theme || Pacific Rim Theme
Advent Calendar Prizes || Mixed Raced SE || Bears LE