I am into vocaloids and anime/manga. I like skateboarding and listening to music. you might consider me a nerd because I was in the Canspell regionals.
Kaito, Akaito, Miku Hatsune, and rin and len kagimine are my fave vocaloids.
From now on club staff makes signatures for members so come and request at: Request your signature. Also we noticed that meny members havent introduced them yet, so you can do it here: Introduce!. We hopeing to get club people to chat at club profile. If you dont like that, then u can chat here: Lets Chat!. And for last thing, we would be very happy if you would vote here:AMV of the mounth!
PS! Also evryone who can make cards can easyly become club admin, just check here: Become Officer/Admin!!
No, I hate Naruto. I'd been using the name itachi because I like weasels, and combining it with ichigo because I like strawberries, and this was before I ever really knew about Bleach or Naruto I don't like Bleach that much either for the record)
On most sites I've changed my name because I got sick of people assuming I was a Naruto fan.
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On most sites I've changed my name because I got sick of people assuming I was a Naruto fan.