All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 197.5
Mean Score:
- Watching25
- Completed1,195
- On-Hold0
- Dropped4
- Plan to Watch29
- Total Entries1,253
- Rewatched49
- Episodes12,156
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 41.4
Mean Score:
- Total Entries99
- Reread0
- Chapters6,173
- Volumes607
All Comments (975) Comments
Maybe I should have continued with the anime adaptation after the first episode. The art style looked so hilariously ugly at the time that I quickly gave up and turned to the manga instead. Did you finish the anime? And if so, how did you find it overall?
I don't really know anything about Aku no Hana's writer, though, since I found two of his works (Aku no Hana and Inside Mary) to be mediocre at best and didn't bother to check out his other stuff. From what you described, I guess I'm not too surprised by his previous proclivity to write borderline hentai comedy as there's plenty of that messed up garbage in Aku no Hana.
Not sure if I'd describe Aku no Hana as a psychological horror, either. It's more of a poor man's Oyasumi Punpun that tries to be philosophical but fails miserably. I didn't like it at all. :(
That sounds cool. Not a huge gamer here, but having the option to play anything you want is nice. If you're feeling a bit guilty about this, then perhaps you can consider purchasing some of those games you absolutely love playing. Remember, you're under no obligation to do this.
Speaking of games, I recently got into the Outlast franchise on Steam, which is pretty damn good if you're into survival horror. The single player games are already fun enough, but personally I find the latest addition to the franchise, The Outlast Trials, to be the most addicting game in the franchise so far, and it's not even fully developed yet. When I heard that the game is multiplayer, I had my doubts on whether it could be a successful horror game, since survival horror is usually best experienced alone. But man, this game finds an impeccable balance between being scary and just pure fun. I don't generally like to replay horror games since they lose their shock value upon subsequent revisits, but with this game there's enough variators to make me come back for more. The only downside is that updates tend to be slow from the developers as they're a small group.
Interesting. I liked Maho plenty in the anime, but always felt like she got the short end of the stick in terms of being a romantic interest. I'd assume that her route is pretty good in the VN.
Alright. You got my attention. I'm tempted to Google that spoiler, but I'll restrain myself as I want to experience the full story someday without knowing about the twists prior.
Yeah, the OST is pretty dope. I might like it more than the original's, come to think of it. Got to somehow find the time to read White Album 2 and Muramasa next year.
Merry Christmas and happy holidays to you!
So, how would you rate the S;G VN?