okay myanimelist commenters I'm announcing that I will be deleiting all new coments from now on as i woiuld like to preserve ihateanimebro's comment for all eternity. than k you for your understanding
iHateAnimeBro said: Write something nice on the profiles of 3 people you like from FG
╭━━━━╮ This is memedog. Help
╰┃ ┣▇━▇ memedog take over
┃ ┃ ╰━▅╮ MAL by pasting
╰┳╯ ╰━━┳╯ him in 5 other
╰╮ ┳━━╯ profiles or he
▕▔▋ ╰╮╭━╮ will never be a meme dog
▏ ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ O O┃
▏╳▕▇▇▕ ▏╳▕▇▇▕
╲▂╱╲▂╱ ╲▂╱╲▂╱
Yesss we can make this happen. So would you like me to work on it, or would you like to do it? I know I'm not the best designer, but I can go sicko mode on this one. 😤
Whoops I took iHab away from you haha what a coincidence haha.
Anyways, did you have a set in mind beforehand? If not, I think we were paired up because we were both raccoons at some point, so if we want to play it safe we can do that.
they saw) it was done as a part of Drop support campaign when they felt down because of Mars being at Perihelion or something
but i will have to remove it earlier or later because it might get overbearing if left for too long)))
also Drop is indeed amazing so it's not bad to tell them this once in a while
All Comments (2514) Comments
Write something nice on the profiles of 3 people you like from FG
╭━━━━╮ This is memedog. Help
╰┃ ┣▇━▇ memedog take over
┃ ┃ ╰━▅╮ MAL by pasting
╰┳╯ ╰━━┳╯ him in 5 other
╰╮ ┳━━╯ profiles or he
▕▔▋ ╰╮╭━╮ will never be a meme dog
▏ ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ O O┃
▏╳▕▇▇▕ ▏╳▕▇▇▕
╲▂╱╲▂╱ ╲▂╱╲▂╱
Anyways, did you have a set in mind beforehand? If not, I think we were paired up because we were both raccoons at some point, so if we want to play it safe we can do that.
but i will have to remove it earlier or later because it might get overbearing if left for too long)))
also Drop is indeed amazing so it's not bad to tell them this once in a while