First newsletter. And there are alot of things going on in the club, most of the idea's in the club were suggested by the club members. So if you have on don't be shy to say what it is in the Members Idea's thread. There are also Official Club Stamp made by Kos. Thanks for doing them Kos. Also if you want to receive information on what is happening in the club and what is new you are going to want to sign up for the Newsletter. Also if you are intrestead in it there is also a Birthday Registration, sing up and the staff will get together and make you something for your birthday.
mintykittycat is the Claim Maker and we thank her for doing them.
We have reached are goal for 50 members! Which means we have a 50 LE and it is now OPEN. There is also a Welcoming LE that is OPEN so you can start requesting those now.
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