j o ã o p a u l o c r u z
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english ⋄ português ⋄ italiano
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computer science
major student
and i want to sleep
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currently on exchange studies
in Finland!

a b o u t m e
i’m a 20 years old guy. I enjoy watching anime and reading tons of manga (these days I’ve been reading more than watching), and i recently got into light novels and boy oh boy are they fun. reading makes me feel really good. i live in brazil and dream of one day being able to travel around the world…
i’m a computer science student, and my main interests (besides japan stuff) are space, anything science fiction, literature, music, videogames and, well, obviously food :D
i'm a big fan of imagine dragons, but i listen to a lot of different things... i love fantasy books as well, and play some games (but mainly dota, overwatch, destiny 2 and apex legends)
i’m currently learning how to draw/illustrate. it’s been a goal of mine and i’d love to be able to draw my own comics and anything along those lines!
i read pretty much everything on my kindle and it's a blessing. you should definitely get one if you like reading :')

w h a t i r e a d / w a t c h
generally speaking, here are my favourite genres for anime and manga, in no particular order,
- comedy
- fantasy
- romance
- slice of life
just throwing this out here, i really dislike most harem stories... for the simple fact that harem story protagonists can never be proactive and end up lonely, and well, that's just not entertaining for me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
i really really really enjoy high quality and detailed world building. fantasy worlds with intricate backgrounds, big populated cities and unique characters really attracts me
romance is.. well… really good! i tend to enjoy most romantic stories, even the more cliché ones… ‘warm and cute’ romance is the best, although some drama never hurts (except useless drama. that’s just annoying)
slice of life is something i enjoy simply for the simplicity of it. not all anime have to be absolutely unique and innovative; sometimes you just need something to watch and relax, feel good and have a giggle or two…
and that’s another reason i like comedy! while most of it tends to be really dumb comedy, it’s still fun to watch and have a good laugh if you’re feeling tired…
with that said, my top 3 anime/manga are definitely
- Danmachi
- The Promised Neverland
some honorable mentions definitely include
tate no yuusha no nariagari, deadman wonderland, death parade, grand blue, noragami, rokka no yuusha, and tokyo ghoul. if you've never read/watched any of them, i definitely recommend you give them a shot.
profile thought up for people who use the light/default theme
All Comments (240) Comments
How has this pandemic treated you?
It's been so long!!! Hope you're doing fine :3
I’m having fun with it
And how's your uni life going in your new place?
I think you'll like this one:
Get back to replying to me whenever you have the time to, and till then, we're already there on each other's lists on Discord.
And HEY. What has my age here got to do with anything?
Yeah, I'm not a huge Marvel fangirl either, but I do keep myself updated with their movies. Except Captain Marvel. Its trailer didn't excite me in the least. Endgame turned out to be a little more science fiction-ish than I'd thought of. Time travel is tricky and if you're not from a sci fi genre, you usually make mistakes. For example, Tony's daughter from the original timeline, makes it to the alternate time line. How? The movie also didn't touch on the repercussions of the people from the org time explaining a 5 yr gap to those who had been revived from the dead, and for whom those 5 yrs never existed.
But the best moments for me were fat-Thor (what a refreshing change) esp seeing how he didn't go back to being fit, and that moment when Captain picked up Thor's hammer. If it were physically possible for my jaw to hit the floor, that moment would have been it. But it was annoying to see how Captain Marvel entered the earth at the very last moment possible, destroyed the ship and then everybody was able to defeat Thanos. Ig if she were there from the beginning, none of this would have happened. Which is one of the biggest issues I have with OP heroes, and THE reason why I don't like them. BvS is an excellent example of an OP Superman being unable to beat Batman, whose strength was nothing but an ant's when compared to Superman's strength smh.
Wow, I've been sleep deprived for long. Waking up early in the morning sucks assssssssssssssss.
Life's keeping me busy and I'm still too fucking lazy to do all the work I'm supposed to do, including my manga and subbing work smh. Only God can help me at this point in my life. Haha. You think that when you grow up, you'd become a better person, but nope. I'm the same lazy old bag of bones that I was when I was 20 lmaooooo. Some things never change.
Lel French much have been harder to learn, right? What's your course there at the Finnish college?
Haha you're right about that song not being my type. I'd listen to it once, sure, but not on repeat.
Howz life at your end? Stay away from the loliz, no matter how tempting it is.
Wah, learning French is t o u g h. Not like Finnish is any easier ;p Howz your language learning app/course going?
The college at Finland looked more complete, if that makes any sense
It doesn't. Explain.