@ the blog comment;
The feeling of everything being made solely to sell permeated all of CG, which was one of my main annoyances with it.
Like you said, Lelouch comes across as a pile of consumer magnets in a bundle. And then you have the flurry of mechas to warrant the selling of model kits and the countless flavours of fanservice.
It's not like I expect every anime to be born from a genuine story that the creator wants to express artistically, but there has to be a fine line between the genuineness of something and the cheap "profit first" ideal.
All Comments (4) Comments
Makes for a great elitist emote.
The feeling of everything being made solely to sell permeated all of CG, which was one of my main annoyances with it.
Like you said, Lelouch comes across as a pile of consumer magnets in a bundle. And then you have the flurry of mechas to warrant the selling of model kits and the countless flavours of fanservice.
It's not like I expect every anime to be born from a genuine story that the creator wants to express artistically, but there has to be a fine line between the genuineness of something and the cheap "profit first" ideal.