All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 413.4
Mean Score:
- Watching4
- Completed2,213
- On-Hold18
- Dropped10
- Plan to Watch411
- Total Entries2,656
- Rewatched136
- Episodes24,662
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 84.6
Mean Score:
- Total Entries89
- Reread25
- Chapters9,427
- Volumes733
All Comments (159) Comments
Very Sad Reality Really, I only Watch Anime Because I want to now, I really don't care if I am a part of an Community or Not. Its more like a few friends online now, I don't have any friends in real life who I can freely talk anime too unlike maybe 10 to 13 years. Yeah sometimes growing up and still liking anime is kinda lonely at times. You barely see people liking anime in the adult world on the society I belong too. Sure they will like older anime but you can't barely ever convince them to watch new anime because you know IRL is more important than escapism in my work place for sure.
>SpyxFamily season 1 is really fun, but I feel like those anime are very overhype, every new titles coming out right now that's easy to watch and gain a huge fanbase got called best anime ever so I won't watch them til the BD comes out and see for myself.
I think its very, not really 9/10+ Kind of show maybe a soft high 7/10 or low 8/10 show, But again SPy X Family is a few show I watch that I have actually have good time. Not all Good Show are FUn to Watch in my opinion some appeal to specific audience with specific. SPy X Family just occupies that it appeal a more broader audience.
Any that comes out every season is consider a 10/10, I think its just normal. But Once the Hype Disappeared that when you will know if the show is actually good or not when the fanbase dies off and nobody is passionate enough to talk about in maybe 10 to 20 years. You know we've lots of anime LIVE AND DIE. Some anime are forgatable but some just hits the heart when it comes to Nostalgia.
I considered anime as a TIME MACHINE Really. SInce a anime can represent a certain perion in time. I remembe watching anime on DVD was a thing back in 2006 and 2011 then watching and downloading anime Pirate was a thing in 2012 to 2016, then around 2017 onwards streaming site catch on a bit and its more practical to subscribe a service than pirating anime.
I am still Pirating anime. I only pay money on specific titles I like, Like One Piece or SOmething.
Thanks for the Upvote My Friend