just so you know, ive never been to chicago, i just couldnt fing my timezone
WARNING:you are about to read me babbling on and on about me and worthless, unimportant stuff about me. If you doont want to hear it(though you may get a laugh out of my supreme idiocy) turn back now. If you want to take the plunge, then join me in my phycoticness.
I am new(to my animelist), and I am a freak about Dengeki Daisy(please don't hesitate to tell me to shut up about Dengeki Daisy, Kurosaki, or Motomi Kyouske, I just love them all so much and could talk about them for a week straight. i feel bad for my friend (name is a secret :P) who gets to hear all about it when school gets back!) I feel very lonely because I only have one friend who even knows waht a manga is (besides the guy who wore naruto gear to school who isnt even my friend. Poor kid just doesn't realize that teenagers(what we are) will tear you apart for that stuff. ( i feel even worse that he probably doesn't even know what a real anime/manga is.) Oh andthere also the girl who wishes she was married to the green guy with the bowlcut(naruto character)(we are friends i just can't tell names for safety purposes.)(i havent watched naruto in soo long, and now i could care less for it.( i kind of hate it. the characters are not realistic to me nd there isn't much depth) so most of the "anime" people i know are actually just "naruto" people, who might know what naruto is but dont have a clue about any DECENT anime. even when i wached it i wasn't super into it. i couldn't make it through two eps of the new series, didnt enen read manga). Im a middleschooler, but I watch true blood(if you hve seen it, you know what i mean), and was reading on a twelve grade reading level in 3rd grade.(im going into 7th grd in 2 weeks) so im more mature than a certain 34 year old uncle of mine(i get to watch his wonderful 5 and 6 year old kiddos while he pulls three tasks at once : facebook, texting, and tv AT THE same time. now if he doesnt have mad skills, then who does? iwonder when the last book he read) so basically, i need friends who are not naruto obsessed(no offense to those who are) and who can listen to me babble. i need some fellow fangirl buddies who i can melt over bishies(like kurosaki) with and talk about who wants who to get tegether with who and who is the cutest "couple"(i dont like that word. i prefer wording it differently) i swear if you say "omg i wuv sasuke and sakura thay are just SO cut togetther like a little girl I WILL KILL YOU(or have kurosaki do it for me)NO NARUTO. i dont mint who you are as long as ur not a legal adult(that would be awkward),and are not some old perv who stanks people on the internet.and as long as you don't (or at least not anyore) watch naruto. i hate it on cruchyroll when people post imaginary naruto pairing crap beside usui and misaki.its like an insult to kaichou wa maid sama(on the posts about "best couples." kaichiu wa maid sama is great, and naruto isn't. that is all(i have no right to say that is all cuas this was waaay too long) thanks for actually reading this
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