Yeah I prefer an amazing dub over amazing Jap dubs as well but good dubs are so hard to come by.
I love watching anime where the English dub outshines the sub as well but usually end up being forced to watch sub due to the vast majority of dubs being horrendous. It isn't as bad for me because I don't mind subs that much.... but I digress.
If I find a good shounen with decent dubs I'll let you know ^^.
People kept saying it picks up but I was already at the half way point and I was regretting each second I spent watching cuz the series was so dull x,x
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I love watching anime where the English dub outshines the sub as well but usually end up being forced to watch sub due to the vast majority of dubs being horrendous. It isn't as bad for me because I don't mind subs that much.... but I digress.
If I find a good shounen with decent dubs I'll let you know ^^.
Maybe try Zetsuen no Tempest?
I hear its a pretty intelligent Shounen anime.
But I wouldn't know cuz I haven't tried it myself ;p
Let me know if you end up giving it a try!
Maybe I can recommend a series?
I might have watched only a few but I'm quite knowledgeable due to endless browsing haha.
People kept saying it picks up but I was already at the half way point and I was regretting each second I spent watching cuz the series was so dull x,x
Talk about pacing issues haha
I personally put it on hold at episode 10.