Anime Stats
Days: 206.2
Mean Score:
- Watching26
- Completed1,085
- On-Hold0
- Dropped13
- Plan to Watch68
- Total Entries1,192
- Rewatched0
- Episodes12,628
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All Comments (9) Comments
The whole show is about some loser dumbass MC who does nothing to save his girl yet gets everything he wants. He does nothing and gets everything. He gets the girl, he gets to join a gang, and he'll ultimately save his girl. This is the most predictable and repetitive show. Of course, its mostly losers that would watch this show, since they can relate to the MC and want to feel better about themselves.
And no, the gang stuff is so unbelievable, its mostly made-up fantasies. 100 kids fight in a park and there are no adults around? Did you not hear how loud they were yelling, and how loud the motorcycles were? Not only are the gang scenes childish, they aren't believable. This is what we call plot convenience.