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Toaru Majutsu no Index Gaiden: Toaru Kagaku no Railgun
Apr 28, 2021 6:22 AM
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In the Richter scale, the difference between a magnitude 1 and 5 earthquake is smaller than the difference between a magnitude 8 and 9. The same thing applies to rating scores such as MALs, IMDBs, etc.
Using this logic, 7 is indeed a low score.
According to him, Mahouka’s social philosophy is “I’m only put down because this society doesn’t recognize my real talents – if this school’s society were fair, I’d be on top.” Therefore,a lot of otaku who are being look down in real life enjoy Mahouka because they can relate to it. This fanboys also overreact when Mahouka being criticized negatively since they are able to relate to Mahouka so much that criticism towards Mahouka is like personal attack to them. I kinda agree since I never meet any fanbase so insecure as Mahouka. You can tell from the way TKMike react and others. Of course,even if the blogger is telling the truth,I doubt any of Mahouka fans will admit that they are indeed having unhappy life since this is the internet where people can pretend to be whatever they want.
I like Mahouka's novel but those fanboys in the thread seems like butt hurt teenagers that can't stand having bad things about what they like being said.
I was witting a fairly lengthy reply going over the legitimacy of having soldiers struggling to battle high school kids and talking about the many story threads woven by Mahouka, but honestly they're all besides the point. You first asked me why I rated Mahou Sensou so lowly when I rated Mahouka so highly. I pointed out several elements that I enjoyed in Mahouka, and several that I hated in Mahou.
Claiming that Mahou Sensou has a better plot or that Mahouka's characters are poor are entirely down to each viewer. Personally I think that Mahou's plot actively makes me hate it, whilst Mahouka's way of slowly revealing the power struggle behind the MCs is rather refreshing and nice. The characters in Mahou are forgettable at best; the characters in Mahouka know to keep their heads cool most of the time and aren't the weakest vermin to walk the face of the earth, which I believe to be the best way to go about creating likable characters. Ultimately we have differing opinions about the same topic. Trying to talk someone out of liking (or disliking) a show is about as pointless as talking someone out of liking (or disliking) eating certain foods.
As far as I am concerned, Mahou Sensou chose to focus on a character whose driving force is his unwavering will to want to get out of his house because he might've pissed his brother off at one point. It's fine to focus on a character, but a character as uninteresting as Tatsuya simply does not deserve that kind of focus, not in the least.
In terms of plot, I believe Mahouka is the clear victor, with Mahou Sensou making suicidal choices such as:
Exhibit a) Allowing the MC to let his mother die for no real reason
Exhibit b) Allowing Tatsuya to become one of the most powerful characters in the world with a simple three days training course
Exhibit c) Deciding at some point that there was no way they'd resolve the plot so they threw everyone back in time
Exhibit d) Creating a character whose sole importance is occasional ecchi moments and emotional blackmail for the MC
Exhibit f) Giving a famous sword that could potentially kill someone in their sleep and predicts the future, knowing full well what that sword was and what it did, and forgetting to tell the recipient the bullet points on how not to die from sleeping in the same building as it
And the list goes on, really. There's no real contest here.
As far as sound and art goes I usually don't care at all, as long as the art is average to the standards of the last 5 or so years and the sound isn't the screeching of a banshee I usually end up not noticing it too much. However Mahouka, for some reason, struck me as having a particularly clean aesthetic, and the song "Code Break" in its OST is the 3rd song from an anime show that I have bothered to look up and download (then there's Magi and C).
Every aspect of Mahouka is better; the characters, the setting, the buildup, the art, the ost, the level of detail behind each action; everything sets out an epic, clean canvas where all actions and retaliations are logical and explained to the last detail.
In Mahou Sensou you have nonsensical bullshit that happens for no particular reason such as time travel or future prediction (which, by the way, the main character ignores even though he knew his mother was about to die), or characters suddenly becoming the most powerful out there after only 3 quick days of practise.
The main reason I liked Mahouka so much is the same reason I disliked Mahou Sensou: the characters. In Mahou Sensou, ultimately, the main characters might as well not have been there to start with; they were irrelevant to the overarching plot, they were obnoxious, sometimes they'd be completely put aside for a few episodes as they had nothing to contribute to the series (like the main character girl whose only power to breast enlargement up to the final 3-4 episodes). In Mahouka, the actions the main characters take actually affect, to an extent, the environment they're living in. The invention of flight, the development of new CAD devices, the different uses the MC finds for magic; all of those are applied, and not only in an individual scale. Not to mention their involvement in the number clan issue that keeps being developed in the back of the viewers' minds.