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Kimi no Iro
Mar 14, 1:27 AM
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Dragon Ball
Mar 6, 12:55 AM
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Star☆Twinkle Precure
Star☆Twinkle Precure
Feb 23, 7:14 AM
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Dec 12, 2024 12:48 AM
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Seyfert Jan 21, 2018 4:16 PM
So stopping time and stealing souls isn't doing "a lot"? o.O
Kamara-Alya Dec 13, 2017 4:12 PM
Oh wow he is?? I've heard lots of nice things about the 10th ^u^ Maybe I should continue watching it sometime then :) (I meant Serial Experiments Lane lol sorry I was too lazy to type it out haha so I just wrote lane)

I watched FMA 2003 first then I watched Brotherhood, but I can assure you that just watching Brotherhood should be enough for anyone. The only thing about Brotherhood is that the staff sort of assumed that people who watch it have already seen the old one, so the pacing for the first 15 episodes can be considered really fast since it pretty much covers up to the 30-35 first episodes of the original show (the first eps of Brotherhood kind of act like a recap except they don't have fillers and original content like 2003 did) but they are still very enjoyable

dude I think HxH and FMAB are a tie for me. I love both equally :)

omg you did?? those must have been dark days for you lol I feel it though, I had my fair share of those x o x
Kamara-Alya Dec 12, 2017 7:26 PM
Yes I do! I actually watched most of the season that has the 9th doctor about 4 years ago :) I thought it was pretty good but I just kind of put it on hold for a while and never got back to it haha I feel bad x') How far are you in the series? Which season? (I wanna watch Lane sometime! I have a friend who always recommends it to me lol)

You don't have to be ashamed! You should watch things for yourself ^u^ watch it whenever you feel like you should. I personally love it as much as I do because it did everything I ask for a in a show (well-rounded characters, a progressive and engaging plot, a believable setting, great pacing and a solid conclusion) Of course, it's not completely perfect, but nothing is :) Also, most people who like HxH end up liking FMAB and vice versa for some reason haha

My biggest anime shame is Death Note. I've only seen 3 episodes of it about 5 years ago! I seriously need to pick it back up again

Digibro is awesome! and yeah I might do the same, I kind of get impatient when I like something >o<;;

Kamara-Alya Nov 26, 2017 8:10 PM
Sorry for the late reply, I'm not on MAL too often (I use the pocket app to update episodes mostly)

I'm probably going to do the same next year! Gurren Lagann is very fresh in my mind because I finished it last summer ^o^

I'm so glad you like it! I agree with everything you said c: Imo, Made in Abyss is an anime that can be considered a classic when compared to the ones in the medium, but it's kind of impossible for an anime to reach that level these days with the really high demand for seasonal shows and people quickly moving on from an anime once it's finished unfortunately

And I just found out that S2 got confirmed today! <333 I'm so excited! I hope it'll be next summer *o*

Kamara-Alya Nov 22, 2017 9:56 AM
Thanks! ^v^

I've only seen bits and pieces of both movies but the second one, Lagann-hen, seems really good because it has a few extra scenes that the anime doesn't have and does the final fight quite differently :0 I might check out the whole thing sometime!

I hope you like it! Made in Abyss is very unique and intriguing, it's easy to tell that there was so much put into this show. It starts off with a really good first episode which introduces the setting and the characters in such a great way and builds it from there. Also, the art style looks misleading so most people don't know what to expect when they're first getting into this show x') My main problem with this show are some of the middle episodes where the pacing wasn't as good as the beginning, but then it picks itself back up right after so it didn't completely affect my enjoyment.
Kamara-Alya Nov 21, 2017 2:32 PM
I really like your taste! It's very diverse and distinct :)
AlexHisoka44 Sep 15, 2017 3:16 PM
No problemYou're welcome.
Zero_r2 Sep 11, 2017 7:07 AM
1: yes, cuz I like it
2: yes, i can read something at quiet places, or places where I can't watch anime, also sometimes I don't wanna wait fo the anime to catch up
3; after 1700 animes? sure do
4; TV as a kid in my country
razzchan Sep 10, 2017 7:56 PM
1. I do watch anime!! It's been a huge part of my life ever since I was in middle school. I really enjoyed watching the animes that were licensed by 4Kids and Cartoon Network growing up, the the OG Pokemon, Yu-Gi-Oh!, Magical DoReMi, Hamtaro, etc. It's always just been something that stuck with me since I was young. It really influenced my love of animation and art, and now, as a working adult, I am a freelance illustrator!! Anime has inspired me and helped me grow as a person.

2. I read a lot more manga as a kid than I do now. I used to go to the local library and borrow entire series and complete them in a week!! Now, however, I mostly watch anime rather than read manga. But if I really love a series, I always try to collect the complete manga set so I can support the creators. I love holding physical copies of manga and being able to examine the art styles. I'm currently reading and keeping up with School Live! and Miss Kobayashi's Dragon maid as the novels are published in English.

3. I do!! The walls of my apartment are lined with wallscrolls and prints, my shelves are decorated with figures, plushies, and copious amounts of manga, and I have a few t-shirts for my lazy days with my favorite characters on them. I even hold the position of Public Relations Director of my college's Anime Club, so I can interact with other otakus and make sure they all have a fun and safe place to be at school.

4. Initially I discovered anime watching the Saturday morning cartoons block on 4Kids growing up. I remember waking up at 7am just to watch Magical DoReMi with a bowl of oatmeal in my pajamas. I remember tuning in to Hamtaro, Digimon, and Pokemon whenever they were on Cartoon Network, Kids WB, or JetX, as well. Kids these days really don't have the kind of cartoon programming that I had when I was growing up, so they aren't as exposed to the wonders of children's anime. When I was in middle school, I started checking out manga from the library out of curiosity. Then I started renting DVDs of anime adaptations of the manga I has read from Blockbuster. As I grew older, specifically when I started studying at college, I got a Crunchyroll subscription so I could keep up with seasonal animes!!

Thanks for asking me!! Let me know if you need anything else!! <3
AlexHisoka44 Sep 10, 2017 4:35 PM
1.Hunter X Hunter, Haikyuu, Shigatsu wa kimi no uso, Hajime no Ippo, and Jojo's Bizarre Adventure

2.Shonen or Spokon

3.One piece, Days, and I'm really enjoying Berserk right now.

4.I'm guessing my favorite manga genre, Well I think is between shonen and seinen.

5.I prefer it subbed.

You're welcome hope i was able to help you 😀😀
AlexHisoka44 Sep 10, 2017 10:12 AM
1.Well over here in Mexico Older people like Moms, Aunts, and Religious people used to say that shows like DBZ, Pokemon,etc... were Satanic and that they had too much violence, but thankfully my mom wasn't like that, and about peole making fun of others for liking anime well I think that they're hypocrites because I'm sure that they watch a sport or a series on netflix/tv. No other people opinions don't really affect me, and no I'm not embarresd of liking anime. I think close mind people probably feel that anime is for kids and that is stupid and people that are not fans of anime should watch some anime and then judge it, and I think that people should watch 3-5 good animes to changed their minds. Hopefully that help you.

2/1. What i like about Otaku culture is that many people are not ashamed of liking anime.

3.Probably that some people are kind of weird like must of the people that i know that watch/read anime and manga are anti-social or behave really different from someone that does not watch or read manga and anime, but thats just how i view them.

I hope i was of some help with your reasearch feel free to ask me anything or if you have any more questions just let me know I'll be happy to answer them. :)
Zero_r2 Sep 10, 2017 7:16 AM
sure, ask whatever
AlexHisoka44 Sep 9, 2017 11:59 PM
1.Can you explain to me more clearly or with more detail this question pls.

2.I think people might feel anime is weird because of hentai, and you know Japanese People are pervs and most animes have at least one girl with huge breasts and you know they probably see Anime and the first thing that they think is that is childish.

3.Yes i do think there is a BIG differece between "Anime" and "Cartoons",one the styles are way different, i feel like Anime has more depth also Anime has more variety I feel like Cartoons are always more center towards kid and Anime has a lot of where to choose from, you can watch something made for kids, teens, or adults, of course there are some cartoons that have action and are more violent, but still Anime is way more diverse than cartoons

4.Ther isn't many cartoons that i like, but i did enjoy some episodes of gravity falls and danny phantom.

Hope my answers can help you and for what class and what kind of project are you doing? and umh sorry for my bad grammar.
AlexHisoka44 Sep 9, 2017 10:08 PM
1.Yes i do like anime. Why, because it entertains me when I´m bored or just when Im got nothing to do.

2.Yes i like to read manga,because you can paused when ever you want in the middle of a chapter and you dont get lost, you actually remember better some of the details than happen, not like in an anime when you sometimes forget that something happen at some given time.

3.No, even though i do own some manga and like watching anime i do not consider myself an otaku.

4.I live in Mexico and in tv they just to broadcast DBZ, Digimon, and Pokemon...etc, and in "2015 DBS was announced and I decided to look it up and I was looking for a website to watch it and I came across "GogoAnime" and then I discover One Punch Man And I started watching more and more anime.

4.Ther is a publisher over here in Mexico call Panini wich I think its an Italian company,but wherever; They strated selling Manga in 2014 but it wasnt until 2016 that i knew about them because you know I wanted to buy some manga but it was to expensive in USA so I decided to go for the Mexican one wich is cheaper and its quality its not bad for the price wich is like 4 or 5 dlls a volume.
AlexHisoka44 Sep 9, 2017 9:28 PM
Sure i can do it right now
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