was drawn into anime by my brother and his friends a few years ago, but havent seen that supermuch series, my addiction goes in waves as with everything else I do. Saw starzinger and space adventure cobra when I was very young though, and loved them, but then wasnt drawn into it again until I was older! And now im hooked :)
other then that:
I like metal, anime, partying, rpgs, computers, and so on ^^
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how did you like and why or why not. no reason for asking this just curious about how you feel please respond if you want ok. also if you want to ask me a question look at my anime list and ask about one i am watching or have already seen and ask about if i like one or not if you want.
-''":::::::::::::`''> ゆっくりしていってね!!! <
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Zeta verkar mycket bättre. Stämmer det?
Den är inte så jättebra i början men sen så blir den KANON :)
its been like what... 2 years o.O
The subs for the last few eps are kinda spotty, but I'll take 'em over a dub anyday!
All eps subbed, baby! :D
visit my new forums =]
referral to Katana =]