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Satougashi no Dangan wa Uchinukenai: A Lollypop or A Bullet
Mar 13, 2023 8:52 PM
· Scored
All Comments (6) Comments
Looks like you gave me your tearjerkers ahah seems interesting, I'll pick manga 3 to begin reading right now :)
Basically a club is a group forum MAL users can join to share their thoughts and opinions on a specific matter. There are clubs for almost every country, clubs for seasonal anime and lots more, and mine is to bring some lesser known manga together.
Most clubs depend on conversations between users but mine is more of a "stroll around and you might find something interesting to read".
I've sent you an invite, meaning that if you click on the triangle pointing below next to your profile picture there'll be a (1) next to "clubs".
If you click on that, you're sent immediately to the invitation where you can accept or deny.
More visually:
I use MAL dark theme so it looks more black than normally white but the rest should look the same.
Alternatively you can also click on this blue text/URL, it'll send you to the club page.
In the club itself you can find "interest stacks", which are manga grouped closely together thus very efficient to see their scores, titles, popularity and covers.
More visually:
And on the right side below, all manga approved by me are listed alphabetically.
Also congrats on reaching 10,000 manga chapters ^^
I am casually strolling around MAL and I stumbled upon your profile while doing so, mainly by seeing you rate a less popular manga around the same score as I did.
If you are interested in joining a club <Hidden manga gems ^.^> with similar manga, feel free to accept my invite to you :)
You can of course ignore this message if you want to, it's only a suggestion since I checked our compatibility via shared manga.
In the case you have more questions, DM me or send me a profile message, it's all the same.
Currently there are 180-ish manga, out of which you've read 6.
Feel free to even post your own suggestions! Out of the 180 manga, 10% were suggestions from other MAL members.
Have a nice day :D