Съжалявам за късния отговор, нямах интернет за последните 10 дена.
Първо, честита Нова година! :) Нека 2012-та ти донесе много поводи за усмивки и пътуване до Япония! ( ̄▽ ̄)
Ще прегледам заглавията, които ми препоръчваш, но явно ще отнеме доста време, докато ги изгледам всичките - и аз започвам да уча! >.< (езикознание, литературознание...блях)
Ами нямам никакви предпочитания, всякакви жанрове гледам. Аз да се "похваля" йероглифи може и да не уча, но за аниме намирам време, вече ще намирам и за драми. Сега ми препоръчаха една драма Zenkai Girl(?), но след като я изгледам ще прегледам Buzzer Beat и Proposal Daisakusen, само съм ги чувала от Yamapi фенове.
хммм... Харума Миура, Мизушима Хиро... за тях се сещам, но не бих казала любими. (Ти явно си фен на Икута Тома :D)
Нобута я гледах горе-долу около излизането й и ми беше много интересна. Явно имаме подобeни вкус. ;)
Може ли да ми препоръчаш нещо; нямам много познати, които да ме осведомяват точно за японски драми :D Повечето дори не са чували за съществуването им.
И аз бях така една ваканция с One Piece; даже 1-2 седмица май не бях мърдала от вкъщи lol Драми съм гледала сравнително малко, но повечето ми харесаха. Ооо, а някои от актьорите... <3 <3 <3 Как е Nobuta wo produce? XD
Ами някъде 2005/2006 разбрах за манга/аниме и се запалих и оттогава доста съм гледала. Започнах с must watch animes и после съм чела тук-там информация за някои , които съм гледала като малка - Candy Candy (тогава все още имаше Ефир 2 lol), Sailor Moon, Voltron etc. XD.
А теб кое те зариби? ^o^
П.П: Май никога не съм се замисляла колко време съм отделила за аниме... Сега ти като го отбеляза, малко ми стана страшничко XD
Нямаше как да пропусна класиките :D, а и ги гледам почти откакто са започнали и вече ми е навик да ги гледам (дори и някои от филърите -_-").
Случва ми се да пропусна някой епизод на Supernatural или The Vampire Diaries заради аниме; за друго може да не се намира време, но за аниме - ДА! XD
It's alright, for us it's always like 12 comments per year lol
OMG congrats!! You're going to study the best thing ever! And wow you're starting in 3 days Oo You gotta tell me how uni life is, cause mine will only start in 3 weeks.
I wasn't excepted into that media related study course, cause they were only taking people with As and my grades were Bs >< It was so frustrating, 7 unis rejected me, stupid unis. Then after lots of thinking I decided I'd go into languages, so now I'm gonna study Russian and English, perhaps some other eastern european language but I don't have to. And I'm actually kinda glad it turned out this way, cause a friend of mine got into that media one and half of the stuff they study is difficult math stuff and other weird things. And what's even better about the languages is that I gonna study at the uni of my choice! I'm so excited for that!
AND not only that but I'm moving out, like already on friday. I gonna get my apartment key on the 1st and then renovate during the weekend and then omg I'm gonna live on my own Oo Ok actually not by my own, but with my two best friends, who also got accepted at that uni. I've know them for 10 years now and we were always talking about moving together, but I can't believe it's actually happening :D What about you? Is your uni far away and you gonna move out, too? Or perhaps already did?
Ahh now I'm gonna be really adult like muahhaha Gonna cook for myself, clean everything and even pay bills. I hope this will go well lol I kinda don't trust myself.
Omg that prom talk seems so far away in the past, it feels like prom was ages ago Oo So much stuff happened since then, can't believe I'm not going to school anymore. My dress problem also seems like something hasn't been recently. Ahh miss those school days, those were really good times. I haven't seen so many classmates since prom >< But after school ends you realize with whom you are really friends.
Yeah I'm totally gonna try to make my Las Vegas dream come true. And facebook makes it so easy to stay in touch. There for example this guy from Liverpool we met in Barcelona, he wrote recently that he's gonna be in Berlin in a couple of months and asked we wanted to meet up again. So that means my friend and now roommate are having a trip to Berlin soon hihihi
I actually recently watched Pasta, cause a friend forced me to watch it and it was really good. I kinda started to go through my plan to watch list and finish some stuff off and also download lots of eps, cause I won't have internet in the new apartment, no idea how long it will take for that stupid internet company to finish everything up ><
Ahh Gokusen, that's so true, there are too many season and movies and sp. And I have to say only the first one was really great, the rest was ok. But I could never watch season two after just watching season one, too repetitiv ><
You know what I think it can happen, I actually don't watch anime anymore, perhaps I'll watch some of the One Piece ans Bleach eps one day. But I don't have the urge watch anything, same goes with manga. It's really weird. I'm also hardly on MAL anymore, just to write comments. These days it's only drama, lots of tv shows, Arashi and kpop. I hope I'll find my passion for anime and manga again.
That book could make a really good drama. I hardly find any book from japanese authors here, only found Densha Otoko by accident in a shop the other day. I was walking by and just saw Trainman on it and some guy on the cover. Then when I was out of the shop my mom was like "ahh you didn't buy the asian book there? I thought you'd go crazy seeing something like that" So I ran back in and took a look at it, but as I'm totally broke right now cause of moving I couldn't afford it :(
Yeah go watch lots of anime and drama and read books by japanese author for uni, you totally have to! It's like homework for you now! I have a friend who's also started studying japanese this year and she said their teacher talks about anime and drama to make it easier for them to understand the japanese culture.
All Comments (155) Comments
Съжалявам за късния отговор, нямах интернет за последните 10 дена.
Първо, честита Нова година! :) Нека 2012-та ти донесе много поводи за усмивки и пътуване до Япония! ( ̄▽ ̄)
Ще прегледам заглавията, които ми препоръчваш, но явно ще отнеме доста време, докато ги изгледам всичките - и аз започвам да уча! >.< (езикознание, литературознание...блях)
(^ _ ^)/~~サヨナラ
Нобута я гледах горе-долу около излизането й и ми беше много интересна. Явно имаме подобeни вкус. ;)
Може ли да ми препоръчаш нещо; нямам много познати, които да ме осведомяват точно за японски драми :D Повечето дори не са чували за съществуването им.
А теб кое те зариби? ^o^
П.П: Май никога не съм се замисляла колко време съм отделила за аниме... Сега ти като го отбеляза, малко ми стана страшничко XD
Случва ми се да пропусна някой епизод на Supernatural или The Vampire Diaries заради аниме; за друго може да не се намира време, но за аниме - ДА! XD
Честит рожден дееен!! Пожелавам ти много здраве, щастие, безброй сбъднати мечти и още повече усмивки! И, разбира се, много японистични успехи ;)
OMG congrats!! You're going to study the best thing ever! And wow you're starting in 3 days Oo You gotta tell me how uni life is, cause mine will only start in 3 weeks.
I wasn't excepted into that media related study course, cause they were only taking people with As and my grades were Bs >< It was so frustrating, 7 unis rejected me, stupid unis. Then after lots of thinking I decided I'd go into languages, so now I'm gonna study Russian and English, perhaps some other eastern european language but I don't have to. And I'm actually kinda glad it turned out this way, cause a friend of mine got into that media one and half of the stuff they study is difficult math stuff and other weird things. And what's even better about the languages is that I gonna study at the uni of my choice! I'm so excited for that!
AND not only that but I'm moving out, like already on friday. I gonna get my apartment key on the 1st and then renovate during the weekend and then omg I'm gonna live on my own Oo Ok actually not by my own, but with my two best friends, who also got accepted at that uni. I've know them for 10 years now and we were always talking about moving together, but I can't believe it's actually happening :D What about you? Is your uni far away and you gonna move out, too? Or perhaps already did?
Ahh now I'm gonna be really adult like muahhaha Gonna cook for myself, clean everything and even pay bills. I hope this will go well lol I kinda don't trust myself.
Omg that prom talk seems so far away in the past, it feels like prom was ages ago Oo So much stuff happened since then, can't believe I'm not going to school anymore. My dress problem also seems like something hasn't been recently. Ahh miss those school days, those were really good times. I haven't seen so many classmates since prom >< But after school ends you realize with whom you are really friends.
Yeah I'm totally gonna try to make my Las Vegas dream come true. And facebook makes it so easy to stay in touch. There for example this guy from Liverpool we met in Barcelona, he wrote recently that he's gonna be in Berlin in a couple of months and asked we wanted to meet up again. So that means my friend and now roommate are having a trip to Berlin soon hihihi
I actually recently watched Pasta, cause a friend forced me to watch it and it was really good. I kinda started to go through my plan to watch list and finish some stuff off and also download lots of eps, cause I won't have internet in the new apartment, no idea how long it will take for that stupid internet company to finish everything up ><
Ahh Gokusen, that's so true, there are too many season and movies and sp. And I have to say only the first one was really great, the rest was ok. But I could never watch season two after just watching season one, too repetitiv ><
You know what I think it can happen, I actually don't watch anime anymore, perhaps I'll watch some of the One Piece ans Bleach eps one day. But I don't have the urge watch anything, same goes with manga. It's really weird. I'm also hardly on MAL anymore, just to write comments. These days it's only drama, lots of tv shows, Arashi and kpop. I hope I'll find my passion for anime and manga again.
That book could make a really good drama. I hardly find any book from japanese authors here, only found Densha Otoko by accident in a shop the other day. I was walking by and just saw Trainman on it and some guy on the cover. Then when I was out of the shop my mom was like "ahh you didn't buy the asian book there? I thought you'd go crazy seeing something like that" So I ran back in and took a look at it, but as I'm totally broke right now cause of moving I couldn't afford it :(
Yeah go watch lots of anime and drama and read books by japanese author for uni, you totally have to! It's like homework for you now! I have a friend who's also started studying japanese this year and she said their teacher talks about anime and drama to make it easier for them to understand the japanese culture.
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