Check your ingredients before you over dose on the cool.
About me
Hey my name is Mark which i am currently residing in Australia Sydney New South Whales Mville up WHAT UP!
My interests apart from Anime and Manga are martial arts and in particular hapkido .
I love cats and dogs and in particular in eating them you guessed right i am Vietnamese.!
All Comments (99) Comments
Hah, come to the states for some Mickey D's and save some bucks! :P Gah, it's fine. I know that people here are kinda big boned. Really? I always imagined Aussie people (especially guys) as extremely buff. I dunno why.
So you wanna gain weight/muscle? My brother is starting to lift weights and go to the gym. He takes some nasty protein shake, he says it helped him out. Have you ever drank a protein shake before?I get what you're saying. I'd rather be skinny than fat, I guess. I'm pretty much average, but I need to do a jumping jack - I hate exercising. I especially hate bastards who claim that they love to run. Who the hell loves to run? (Please don't tell me that you love to run)
For sure, it sounds like a good plan. I'll hook you up with a bunch of McChickens and I'll order you some fries, just a little extra. :P
I'm going to a community college to finish my core classes. Meh, it's cheaper and you get the same education as a university when it comes to the core classes. Going to a university and dorming is so over rated. I'd go crazy living with another idiot like me. Your school system is pretty much exactly like the states. I have no idea how you're graduated so much earlier than me. I probably should already be graduated, I'm like half a year older than most kids in my class.
Crap, you still have no idea what you want to be? Do you have at least any idea. Hah, you really have something against engineering. What was so bad about it?
My mom is the total opposite of a savvy computer Egyptian living in the states. She is just an Egyptian who can't speak English. I'll be honest, my mom is pretty clueless. -.- Your mom is identical to my mom. She needs to use the pictures in advertisements to figure out what the hell stores are selling. It's kinda cute to have a foreign mom. Can you speak English in front of your parents and would they completely understand what you're saying?
Hell no, Occupy Wallstreet would never go to China. I hope all this ends soon. I'm getting sick of this. Obama sucks...
Ahah, exactly! Riots because of sports are pretty hilarious. A bunch of hormonally-unbalanced men flipping a shit over where a ball ends up.
**Bahaha, I looked at the first message I've ever sent to you. I was just asking you if you liked Lupe and what other artists you like. Clearly we bonded over Lupe pretty quickly. :P
haha thank you. (: i have an odd taste in animes, i think it shows.
and yes, i happen to like bon iver!
You crazy butt, have you seen an actual street fight or been in one? Hah, it's fine that you like street fighting. I bet you watch those fights on Youtube. Eh, the USA is just one big meh.. Nothing too special. I barely have any idea about the wonders of the world that we have here. I live in Chicago, Illinois. :D
I would want to go to Egypt: visit friends and family. I've never been there. I've actually never been anywhere. (Gah, I'm such a loser) :P
Wow, that girl needs to get a good slap on the head. She seems like the type who thinks the world revolves around her. She's just rude. I'm surprised that you stayed with her for a while. How long did you know each other? Ahaha, you're definitely bad ass. "I'M DELETING THIS HOE-BAG OFF MY FACEBOOK!" Hah, I bet she noticed when you deleted her. But you seriously should have told her to get a clue. :P
Holy crap, Australia is insanely over priced. I love to go shopping and buy new clothes - I'd be broke if I went to Australia to buy an underwear. Haha.
Hmm, I think so. I guess one McChicken here is about a buck here. Getting like a full meal is around 4 or so bucks, depending on what meal you pick. I guess they want Americans to fatten up, even though a majority of people here are lard asses. You should be the next dude to do the 30 days challenge! I'll record you eating it. :P
Crap. I feel like a bum. Here in the states you're like 18 when you get out of high school. I'm actually graduating a semester early and then going to a college. Well, I still have to apply to the college and I have no way to get to the college yet. So I have to figure that crap out first.
I still have no idea about the welfare system. I'll tell you about it once I go there. My brothers and sisters basically just got this one check when the semester ends depending on their grade - they could get up to a thousand. It's decent, but all the money pretty much goes down the drain once you have to buy text books.
Mhm, I love these messages too! I'm just a lazy ass. I know what to reply, but then I end up procrastinating typing up the message. My mom looked over my shoulder and said, "What the hell, what are you typing out?" :D
Hmmm. I think the Wall Street Occupation thing is a great way to get a message across to the other people who are unaware of how f'ed up this system is. But, I think there are better things to complain about when it comes to this messed up society. I guess it's better than nothing, people are going out and voicing their disagreement with the government in a peaceful way. Do you remember those riots in London? That was soooo messed up.
Ahh, you lucky bastard. I wish I could have traveled as much as you. I still haven't been out of my own state. Haha. Hmm, where in the US would you like to visit? Best of luck finding that hot Japanese girl that you want to kidnap. :D
Gah, US has a variety of people. But we are mostly butt holes, in all honesty. Sure, sure. I trust you.
I listened the Watch the Throne! It was a great CD, I liked the song "Murder to Excellence," the most and "Otis." Gah, this is the third time I had to look up what HAM means. (I just realized that there is a song on the album called HAM) Hah, I don't blame them for giving you a weird look. You just enjoy confusing people.
Aw, be nice. You shouldn't just befriend people who have the same taste of music as you. Were those hipster friends of yours at least good friends? You're a jerk. But that's weird to send a text asking someone to love you again. It sounds mental.
Baha, no worries, I'll get my bro love when I'm ready for it. For now I'll stick to just chilling.
That's a good way to vent after dealing with a nut case over the phone. Damn, you're getting loaded. Nice job! That's a decent place to work. Whoa, you're an idiot. Why would you spend so much money on a pair of jeans? I love shopping, too. But I wouldn't spend that much on some jeans. Way too much. :P
Haha, you enjoyed working at Mickey D's? At least you liked it. I wouldn't be able to work there. Gah, now I want some Mickey D's. But I barley eat out. Do you go out to eat a lot? Have you ever seen that movie "Supersize Me"? It's about this guy who eats nothing but Mickey D's for about thirty days.
Of course I'm looking forward to my bum years. High school and studying is becoming one huge bore. Hmm, I think we have some welfare system like that - but it's like a federal assistance. Like they pay a major portion of the tuition to go to the school. Then you just get a check based off how well you do in your classes. Something along those lines. I'm not too sure.
It's fine. I'm pretty sure that spoiler thing isn't working for some reason. This site is starting to act up, I guess. :P