LOOOOOOL. your teacher is so cool!
we got pretty boring projects (N)
we had to remake the fucking water filter for science cause ms sultana is gay
she deserves to die.
no lie.
that rhymed! ahhahaha ok.
anyways yeah. for math we made a board game at the end of the year :D it was sorta fun (Y) but everything else was shitty.
and you're coming back tomorrow, right? :D
mhm :) but nahh didn't study. only first semester cause you know, excited for school, gay stuff. then i started thinking milliken is gay and didn't give a shit anymore LOL.
& i watch desperate housewives LOL.
it sounds girly, but it's good :) there's killing and exciting stuff.
i watch glee and the big bang theory too.
try big bang theory. i really like it :D
LOL. :( i slept at like, 3:40am yesterday.
just woke up. -sigh-
& :OOO! i got all 80+ for everything but french T___T i got 70s. dakfjdas so gay so gay.
and :D! hurrah! thank you >:)
and ohhh LOL. that's so sad. i'm on like, ep 3 for index ): i've started to watch real life shows again! i shall stop once i'm up to date. :) which will take a while..
but i don't really like evagalion's graphics :( and ehh it seems sorta silly with the outer space and all thattttt.
and LOL. good luck with that man. i wouldn't be able to manage that. :)
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you goin to anime north amirite?
oh whatchu gon do
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we got pretty boring projects (N)
we had to remake the fucking water filter for science cause ms sultana is gay
she deserves to die.
no lie.
that rhymed! ahhahaha ok.
anyways yeah. for math we made a board game at the end of the year :D it was sorta fun (Y) but everything else was shitty.
and you're coming back tomorrow, right? :D
& i watch desperate housewives LOL.
it sounds girly, but it's good :) there's killing and exciting stuff.
i watch glee and the big bang theory too.
try big bang theory. i really like it :D
what was your avg last year for last term? :O
just woke up. -sigh-
& :OOO! i got all 80+ for everything but french T___T i got 70s. dakfjdas so gay so gay.
and :D! hurrah! thank you >:)
and ohhh LOL. that's so sad. i'm on like, ep 3 for index ): i've started to watch real life shows again! i shall stop once i'm up to date. :) which will take a while..
but i don't really like evagalion's graphics :( and ehh it seems sorta silly with the outer space and all thattttt.
and LOL. good luck with that man. i wouldn't be able to manage that. :)